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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/finished-256gb-upgrade-of-2nd-gen-ipod-mini-see-pics.1843060/ it seems to be possible to mod my old ipod.. man if I ever get the time and knowledge id love to do this
  2. mp3 is definetly becoming a thing of the past... I have owned two ipod classics but both of them died after one year of use. I still own a 2nd gen nano but it's battery life is crap.. and 8gb is waay to little... I wonder if one could replace the battery and mod it to have massive capacity but iunno edit: regarding the post above.. shiiit 256 gb max?? for 160 £?! I'm fucking sold!
  3. YangYing


    cheers for bumping this
  4. I pre-ordered a softpop! we can be idiot-hipsters together
  5. Thank you for this, I actually looked up the old classic lion post. From way back in '09, fuck I'm getting old. "once i was walking out of taco shop with a bag of good mexican food (carnitas burrito, tres tacos de tripas, 5 rolled tacos w/ guacamole, large diet coke) and a young gangster mexican bumped into me, knocking my glasses to the dirty concrete. my glasses shattered and i became furious. "you broke my glasses... now i break your arm" i threw a haymaker at him and he bowled over into the salsa bar, he was disgusting with salsa. regardless i jumped onto him and performed an excellent armbar while in the salsa, tomato all over me and the Puto. i quickly snapped his arm like a twig and the police came. they ran his information and he had a warrant out for his arrest for crimes. i was congratulated for catching the criminal and the taco shop paid for my food, the officer shook my hand as well. who says violence solves nothing..? they are a fool. The End" is endlessly amusing to me that this is being posted in a thread about the flashbulb
  6. now the question is... is "it's all right" > "quite good"? the flahblub
  7. ohh I remember seeing that.. sounds insane!
  8. I flipped a coin between the 0-coast and the erebus.. eneded up going for the erebus, can't use it until next month though!
  9. would you stream ur trax for 90 quadrillion dollars?
  10. This is the opposite of that. It's tons of content with very little manufactured hype. hmm, this is true... things taste sweeter in small amounts maybe... I will sleep on this, cheers
  11. I have said it before but... fucks sake.. boc's TH megahype-train has killed my fanboyism for this kind of thing... am I alone on this?
  12. has kaen ever posted on the dank memes thread before? edit: not. apparently , also pagebreak edit2: also ZOLE!
  13. all of your arguments are basically the same reason I'm thinking of getting a softpop just after buying an erebus 3 days ago... wat doo wat doo dee doo
  14. I'm sure parts of that has been posted on one of the old funny pics thread or the strange pics thread... never seen that whole thing though, surreal
  15. u kidding? those tuss trax are bliss!I still find it a bit odd to put a countdown for a bleepstore like that...
  16. could this thread be exclusively for new stuff we haven't heard/seen b4?
  17. does that mean ALL of the rephlex releases or only his stuff? edit: blessed b the idm on this day the 20th of 7th month ye
  18. dammit I bought this a while ago out of vids/price havent had time to test it on synths properly, but reading this thread is scaring me a little :(
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