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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Is that another Obama? Frankly, I haven't got a clue about what kind of candidate would be ideal at this point. My more naive self tends to go for someone who can restore US politics. If that's even possible. That should imply someone with the ability and savviness to reach across the isle. If that's even possible, that would imply - i'm afraid to say - an old white male. As I don't expect the GOP to play politics with anything else really. So the female candidates fall off. The GOP won't play ball. Bernie is the socialist the GOP can stonewall and ignore his entire time in the office. Doing so will score them bonus points with their supporters. Buttigieg doesn't have the gravitas and wouldn't be taken seriously. And that's ignoring the gay vs. evangelical issue. Biden is considered Obama's appendix. So, that leaves Bloomberg? Apart from winning the 2020 election, I'm actually more worried about what happens next. After the dems taking back the white house. I'm afraid the current chaos will stay for a long while.
  2. TBH, I prefer 538's analysis: odds of no majority are increasing. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/sanders-is-the-front-runner-after-new-hampshire-and-a-contested-convention-has-become-more-likely/
  3. The next non-trump president will have his or her hands full with getting the various government branches to function again (to get positions filled, for instance) and to get rid of some or all of the nastier Trump policies. That's about as much as you could realistically expect in the first term, imo. All these new policies are nice and all, but ...euh... there are other priorities Medicare for all? I think we're currently back to justice for all. And getting the current system back on its feet. Even with political support for M4all, it's going to take years to implement. And until then, there needs to be something which keeps the world turning, so to speak. And that requires plenty work, regardless of the political mega performance of getting a m4all bill worked out and through congress. You might as well read this as me saying it's not relevant which candidate wins the dem ticket. The 1st 4 years in the office will be about dealing with a severe political crisis and getting back to a "normal" situation.
  4. Some interesting numbers here. (grabbed from 538) Candidate preference by previous vote Chosen candidate in the 2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary by their 2016 vote, according to preliminary exit poll data CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON (49% OF VOTERS) BERNIE SANDERS (30%) NEITHER OF THESE CANDIDATES (19%) Klobuchar 26% 8% 25% Buttigieg 24 15 26 Biden 15 2 2 Sanders 14 63 12 Warren 13 4 4 Steyer 3 2 6 Yang 3 4 7 Gabbard 0 2 13 Sample size is 2,935. Not all candidates are listed on the exit poll. SOURCE: ABC NEWS/EDISON RESEARCH
  5. Indeed. I'm afraid Bloomberg might become a next Perot. One of those third party candidates which help keep Trump firm in his seat. Ironically. On a tangent, I'm becoming a fan of this guy here. A "looks like and sounds like white trash, but got a mind of his own"-guy. He used to be a journalist covering international affairs, btw. In case you were wondering. He's no slouch. ?
  6. Splendid episode of "How Canadians view Canada", guys! I mean, sorry, but please keep your Canuckery for a thread on Canuckistan! ;D sorry sorry excuse me
  7. this deserves a repost. (missed it the first time around)
  8. yeah, the turnout was bad. that's the most worrying thing for me. not good. it really isn't. ?
  9. A "light 7" Although I must say I was surprised at his (=fantano's) final verdict given everything he said before. Feel like he was moving towards a 6 or a 5 even. For the record ( and this will be culturally politically incorrect around here) : i agreed with a lot of what he was saying...
  10. If fit people would end up dead, the statistics would have shown vastly different numbers by now. The virus seems to be spreading pretty quick though. Have seen some Chinese people here in Holland with those face masks travelling from Schiphol Airport. I was like: damn, that's not good! And then the racism police pushed me against the wall. ;)
  11. He doesnt need any excuses in the first place. Also, it's the fake media. And debates are rigged. Do I win a prize?
  12. Ezra Klein wrote a book about this recently. With references to all sorts of research. For a quick summary, here's the review in NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/28/books/review/why-were-polarized-ezra-klein.html And a chapter from the book: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/28/books/review/why-were-polarized-by-ezra-klein-an-excerpt.html
  13. The US might just be falling apart right before our very eyes. What a shit show.
  14. Must be the English weather being unpredictable. ?
  15. ^^^ this. Please keep breathing and allow the facts to come forth and all that good stuff. Democracies work better if the people remain calm and collected.
  16. Wtf is that? Also, funny how nothing is mentioned about privacy issues. Perhaps I missed something, but isn't it obvious that apart from security issues, there's also going to be a dataset with all info about who voted for who? I know the US has vastly different ideas about privacy, but I'd expect this to be off limits. If this doesnt cross some red line, what will?
  17. Silver lining: a possible cure might not be far away ?
  18. Just seen a couple of vids from a guy on youtube who sounds like he would be a typical GOP trump voter. Likely ex-military. And has a huge boner for the constitution. He makes some interesting points about the senate and all that. Possibly makes even a stronger case than dems because of his background. Makes me think this failed impeachment trial won't have the desired result for the gop or trumps base. And the constitutional boner part, being a harsh judge on the senate.
  19. hope we haven't forgot the 2018 elections for the senate. the only reason trump will win, is if people don't vote. it's all about activation of people. trumps base is trumps base. it's not a growing base, as far as i'm aware. so the only way to push trump aside is to get people out to vote. it's really that simple. this defeatist nonsense about trump winning again in 2020 is just that: nonsense. sounds like a narrative pushed by pro-trumpers to stop people from voting out of some form of hopelessness. don't believe that nonsense.
  20. Ok, so the dmfi pac is behind this. Can I just say its silly all kinds of parties can run political ads. Even if they are not running. I'd hope thered be more regulations in place for running political ads. Itd be better to only allow political ads by parties who are actually taking part in an election, i'd argue. Instead of the current nonsense.
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