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Everything posted by goDel

  1. 12/12. They set it up to be easy: just pick the answer that seems most clownlike. Merry trumpmas missed two because they were too obviously clown like. incredible! :(
  2. Do the Trump quiz: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/dec/26/donald-trump-quiz-of-2018 got a 10/12 :S happy xmas :)
  3. @joshua: yes and also remember that if the GOP think they'll lose 2020 with TRump, they'll *have* to get rid of him in 2019! ASAP! If they want to have a shot at winning 2020, it's either sticking with Trump or dropping him 'yesterday'. They *have* to move really quick if they don't believe in Trump making it to 2020.
  4. too late to edit: "By getting the troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, " should be "by getting the troops out AGAINST the explicit advice of the people responsible in defence. Trump acting on his own and refusing to listen to the advice of those responsible *will* be an essential part of this scenario. anyways... ;-p
  5. So, seeing the Mattis and (!) Kelly situation, here's my personal conspiracy plot. Mattis and Kelly are moving to create a scenario where the GOP are able to impeach Trump without losing face. Ok, so how is that going to work? My argument would be that they'd lose face if they would impeach him on the basis of anything related to the Mueller investigation. And I'd argue the events surrounding Mattis (and Kelly) leaving creates conditions where the GOP *could* impeach Trump with a minimal amount of losing face. Minimal is the key word here perhaps. Because they've created conditions independent from the Mueller investigation where they could argue that Trump is putting American safety at risk. By getting the troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, the GOP could make the case that Trump is acting against US interest. I've got a sneaking suspicion this is essentially what is going on at this moment. Perhaps against the backdrop that the Mueller investigation (and all the others) have plenty of proof of illegal stuff going on. So by moving to impeach TRump on current foreign policy, they're also creating space to go after Trump, post impeachment. Which makes this a two step rocket. 1. get him out of office on foreign policy/national security issues 2. get him in court because all the other stuff
  6. goDel

    Brexit :(

    Interesting interview giving plenty insight into british politics. In a non-cynical way, btw. But more in a sort-of restoring hope in Britain kind of way. Which does feel a bit ironic. But its just refreshing to hear a couple of politicians being honest and straightforward about the whole Brexit ordeal. Highly recommended for the non-Brits with a desire to understand wtf going on in the formerly United Kingdom.
  7. Here to annoy you again with a couple a tweets by SA
  8. Be Awesome if one of your F5s showed this Corker!! He should do an anniversary EP with all kinds of remakes of polynomial-c . owuld be awwwwsome ;D also, diat whats the deal with the centered formatting?
  9. goDel

    Brexit :(

    Probably guilty but I do have better things to do than go meaningfully investigating and analysing Dianne Abbot. Don't we all judge people by the way they act, speak or behave when in front of us? From gut instinct she doesn't come across as somebody I'd want in office. That's not the medias fault that's hers mine. But And I'm cool to admit when I'm wrong about something or somebody. Almost good! :)
  10. i'd hope richie gains the rights to sell his R&S albums through his bleepstore. as im wondering whether the lack of uploads of his older work may have to do with the inability to add its release to his older releases. i mean, he might prefer to release his saw1 work along with the original tracks. together. not separately. so as long as he and r&s don't come to an agreement, those tracks will not be made available. :(
  11. goDel

    Brexit :(

    prediction: outcome will be that brexit will be cancelled and britain remains. the conservs implode and corbyn new pm. but despite peoples fears, corbyn in power will be just as powerful as may. and bs will go on for a couple more years. giving farage and his cronies more political power as they keep hugging bannon and russian money.
  12. this ones either slowed down. or the original rip i have was too fast.
  13. Regardless, that men-release should be in his bleepstore. With or without the alternative version.
  14. I own it on CD but the version I own is an edited version that's missing like 2 minutes of audio. It's the promo version. Took me years to realize it's different. Also this one had a couple moments that seemed a little different to me. i thought it was different in spots as well. but as far as i can tell its the exact same track. i was a bit surprised hearing the deep bass a minute in. but that was exactly the same with the track on the rephlexions comp. other stuff as well. it's just a very busy track. which makes it easy to hear all kinds of differences, i guess. :S
  15. good point. thing is though, who's going to paint him orange in prison? he'll turn white in a week. or rather, im willing to make a bet on the amount of time itll take trump to lose his orange color in prison. a week! ;D
  16. goDel

    Brexit :(

    that's the thing, i guess. and its not even about blaming facebook, per se. they're making money and have some amoral position in all of this. not that i agree with them being amoral about it. that's just a given at this point. here, perhaps its more about various parties pulling the political levers - playing marketeer/propaganda - through unregulated outlets. all sorts of money is being poured into political influence. perhaps this is the norm in the states. but please keep that bs out of european politics. really hate that "propaganda" is being spread by all kinds of parties with private and even public money. whether or not facebook should be regulated like normal media outlets, is as far as im concerned not directly the issue. the issue is more that these are unregulated 'public announcements'. these kinds of public announcements should be regulated. regardless of the distribution format.
  17. goDel

    Brexit :(

    im afraid youre right :( also, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/dec/10/almost-100k-of-public-money-spent-on-brexit-deal-facebook-ads lots of money still being poured into facebook advertising. i say: ban advertising from facebook! facebook=devil
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