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Everything posted by goDel

  1. *puts off glasses* I'd prefer it if you *not* post vids around here from my private life! THANK YOU!! I want my years back! * enters isolation cell *
  2. yeah. gotta say i prefer what they did with the typography over the collapse thing. the collapse thing looks nice and all. but is a bit gimmicky. it's the typography where the design shines, imo.
  3. someone mentioned something about a videoclip coming with the new ep. any idea where to find it? would love to see it! something to do with kissing robots or something. by kris cunning ham?
  4. LOL Would be harsh. It's still up on the tube. Even if it's obvious Russian propaganda!!! Pro-chaos and all that ;)
  5. LOL new flag is catching on. @auxien: gladly want to give you your point. not sure why, but it looks pretty important to you. Honestly, I was arguing against your point that the Dems were holding back the impeachment card to when it mattered, by arguing they rather not play it at all. But yeah, sure, I completely confirmed your point. You win!
  6. Hmmm, not sure if I agree. To a certain degree he already has impeachable stuff on his doorstep. He's doing plenty stuff which normally should have put him out of office. Blunders like what they're doing at the borders. Blunders on the international stage. He's not even trying to deal with the hacking of the elections. He seems to completely disregard Congress when it comes to his international policies. In terms of running the government, he seems to be hell bent on ruining it. His government basically needs to do what law says it should. Instead he puts in people who seem to be there to break things down, instead of actually running the place. Not even started talking about his business dealings while in the White House. No I really think the Dems will prefer controlling him from either senate or house, instead of impeaching him. They'll only go that route if Mueller (or SDNY) comes with stuff so dark and clear, they simply can't escape impeaching him. But it looks like SDNY will be going after the Trump Organisation first and foremost. And Mueller probably won't indict Trump either. As it's policy to not indict the sitting president. Let alone a legal debate on its own. So Mueller most likely goes directly after anyone but Trump. For the Dems it's safer if the people vote Trump out the democratic way. As it will take away any argument of the Trumpians after his potential impeachment: the Dems conspired to impeach him and it's all Hillaries fault. It's better to completely avoid that scenario, imo. Especially when he's so inpopular, he'll not be able to be re-elected. The Dems just need to make sure he'll be that unpopular.
  7. Best thing he could do without losing face. Really hope this Trump-nightmare will be over soon. Although I currently understand the Democrats would rather having him out the next election cycle, instead of going the impeachment route. So 2 more years of having this disaster living in the White House. When he's out, his business will be dead though. ;)
  8. LOL indeed Donny deserves a replay of his remarks on McCain not being a real hero and more a loser because he got caught in 'nam.
  9. !? Who said the US was spreading misinformation about vaccines in pakistan and afghanistan?
  10. Is the point of all these whataboutisms that it's OK what Russia is currently doing? Also note that we could endlessly seek for examples of what the US has been doing. But this Russian program is not just aimed at the US. It's also Europe. So, when it comes to countries like Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Greece, Spain, ... what kind of whataboutisms can you find which could justify Russia pushing their pro-chaos, pro-stupidity propaganda programs through the social networks? Again, the easy thing is to endlessly point fingers at the US. But I don't consider that a valid argument at all, tbh. It's just a poor excuse. And I don't need to defend the US at all, to make my argument stand on its own legs either. IMO
  11. I'm actually surprised he's successfully putting effort into staying within the lines. Would have expected him to completely disregard those. But the maverick in him is changing the colors though. Perhaps as an ode to the late McCain? (Rip)
  12. What do you mean wrong? This is the new flag of the US! The supreme leader says so. ;)
  13. yeah, I'm sure the us were pushing skepticism on the scientific validity of vaccines in pakistan and afghanistan. The thing though is that the motivation behind the us is pretty obvious. Us were/are fighting extremism. Regardless of whether their methods were good or not. Even if you disagree with their methods, you can understand why they targeted certain regions. Now ask yourself why Russia is targeting the west. Is the relationship russia-west similar to us-extremism? Russias excuse for diong this information war is that others are doing it as well. But the irony with your example is that the us targeted regions where they were actually in a war. With troops on the ground and all that. Stuff with bombs and bullets. So, the question becomes, is russia fighting a war with the west? Does it want to? What the hell does Russia want? Mind you, i'm not pulling justifications out of my ass to defend what the us has been doing. It's just that i can understand why and see what they were trying to achieve. When it comes to Russia, i've got an idea as well. It's just that the context of their methods is completely different. Haven't seen any russian tanks rolling through the streets of new york lately.
  14. we have these dumbassess here as well, btw. mostly religious fruitcakes. but it seems to grow bigger in numbers. it's more common than just the US being silly, i'm afraid.
  15. interesting. can't help but feel trump/kushner we're naive in the way they thought to do some financial deals during the elections. either naive, or they actually didn't even want to win. they were hoping to lose and get some money in the process. doing business trump-style. that, or they actually wanted to win and deal with the russians (and arabs/israel) in the process. to me, it only makes sense if they intended to lose the election and tried to gain a lot of investments in their business.
  16. Guilty! Haf to admit this track went past me somehow. I hope he's put it up at the bandcramps. Gotta pay my dues to thidiot! :)
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