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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Yeah. When this whole deal is finished, and I'm thinking about all the Trump BS as well, there's going to be years and years of Hollywood movies about it. What the F is happening in DC? The GOP is going to implode. (we're right in the middle of the implosion perhaps) Well done, Putin! what the f*ck...is this real? Last week there was this anonymous op-ed in the NYT, Now this. There's no bottom to this. This just goes on and on. I'm waiting for a Brit with a green glove to walk into the White House any moment now. Lynchian style. Wake me up from this bad dream please. Bring back Cooper. I've had enough of this Dougie Jones in the White House. I've reached the point where I need to rethink this whole 3rd season of Twin Peaks. Lynch is a prophet.
  2. Normally, I'd think this would have been trolling, but Avenatti? If he plays, it's because he has the game. Even if it's not nearly as damning as it currently looks, Kavanaugh's career seems finished. He's out.
  3. There's really no complaints about any sounds used whatsoever. This stuff is top notch. Changing the highhats for other sounds really wouldn't have made much difference to the point I was talking about. The footwork stuff feels like a distraction at places. That's more about composition than 'sounds' or production, if you know what I mean. The guy's probably inspired by it though. So more power to him. To me it was just a distraction of what was otherwise ace. Kinda like adding vocals to some BOC track. It's outta place. Shouldn't have been there. imooo
  4. All comments before the official release date are immaterial. OK, so lets do the entire thing over! ;) Seriously though, I'm not sure I like the contrast of the militaristic 'footwork' highhat rhythms with the more typical Aphex stuff that's happening in a couple of these tracks. There are a couple of parts where this interesting stuff happening in a track, melody-wise and rhythmically, but then these militaristic highhats kinda ruin it for me. I don't think the footwork crossover stuff is a very fruitful one, tbh. imo.... Production is top notch though. This is quality work. Musically, I'm not convinced though. It has it's moments. But again, these footwork crossover things kinda ruin it for me. Not my tea. So yeah, discuss! ;) No problems with the smearing reverbs though. hehe
  5. If you need to ketchup on the Manafort plea deal, this next clip gives a great view on what happened in court. Rachel Maddows walking through the actual transcripts. The bit about Manafort doing some undercover stuff for the special council has me wondering how long Manafort has already been cooperating, btw. Could it be much longer?
  6. Good point! It's profoundly silly. You're pulling out a gun to show people who's the boss. And the second you're asked why you pulled that gun, you shrivel like a dick in freezing water. Like a rapist with performance anxiety.
  7. Thats politics in a nutshell. :) Edit: looks like shumi has a tiny bit of a nail to go though. Looks like hes missing the plot. I mean head. To Ryans amusement. O well...
  8. Be the Radioactive Material that sends Gamma-Rays like unconditional Love and spread Cancer and other diseases :-p
  9. I really don't think the spliff was the issue. It was more about some people from his senior management leaving and/or threatening to leave. The minute it's clear his senior management is up and running with competent people, Musky can smoke as much grass as he wants. Markets really wont care. (I mean, besides his senior management, he has to show he's able to keep on producing cars and all that. But the amount of spliffs is close to irrelevant.)
  10. Googled Ellen. And this is what I got SJW's, discuss...
  11. zeff, i think you need a cup of tea. or a hot coco.
  12. i just admire him doing silly stupid stuff that most people think is stupid. and getting away with it. building a car company from zero? sure why not... building rockets? tunnels? the guy is crazy. admirable because he learns from his mistakes and eventually finds ways to get there. he's obviously not a scientist. but smart enough to use it in getting to where he thinks he needs to go. the charlatan angle is imo a bit of a cop out. yeah he does stupid shit. and eventually gets away with it by trial and error. it's that silicon valley "fail fast, learn faster" mindset which i admire. lots of failing. but failing doesn't make you a charlatan. nor not having done the regular schoolwork. whatever though. if some people think he's a charlatan (never heard of azalea banks), that's fine. whatever floats your boat i guess.
  13. musk a charlatan? pfff, ima fan! guys a real inventor. got a massive brain to solve any problem showing up at his doorstep. or our doorstep. thx to tesla, electric cars are actually a serious thing nowadays. without, those stupid old world car manufacturers would still be into making fuel burning crap. hes just a bit of a nuckle head. but thank god, imo. without, he'd just be like the rest of us stupid sheeple. being rationally stupid and all that.
  14. i think i had the same disease. i still looked like a 12 year old when i was 16 or something. quite tragic. especially when you're into older girls. as you're basically non-existent to them. ;)
  15. or more people...still wouldn't rule that out. even if the times says it's one person. there'd be good reasons pretending it's one instead of more.
  16. Can't tell why they've released it now, though. (I believe it's a "they" instead of a "he/she", btw. I'd expect the "adults in the room" to be working together) If it's about saving face, the question still is, why now and not a year ago? Is it because of the coming November elections? Like an election tactic? Vote for the adults in the room, so to speak. Or a distraction for the Kavanaugh procedure? Is it related to the release of Woodwards book? Or something more nefarious? Like some new policy or action that might be coming from the White House which could only be stopped with the 25th? Perhaps it's in preparation for something what Mueller might soon be doing? Or some people are closer to being thrown out of the White House than we might realise. Perhaps because of what's in Woodwards book.
  17. good one! edit: tempted to think the unravelling of this presidency is accelerating. thing might be over shortly after november. as it's basically the first semi-officially conservative outcry thats basically saying: get this guy out of the office!
  18. guessing its sessions, btw. or at least a classic conservative in the white house. bolton might be another guess. but sessions hasn't much to lose. so he might use this opportunity as some form of farewell.
  19. LOL wow... explosive stuff https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opinion/trump-white-house-anonymous-resistance.html?nl=top-stories&nlid=57728323ries&ref=cta
  20. I actually think the most damning part is where his old lawyer Dowd tried to practice a Mueller interview with him and couldn't get him to stick to a story. You could train a dog, but you can't train an insane individual. It really suggest he's not just a strategic liar. He's a pathological liar. Capital "P". https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/09/ex-trump-lawyer-told-mueller-trump-is-too-dumb-to-testify
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