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Everything posted by goDel

  1. I'm not so sure. I'd expect Roger Stone to be first in line. Then Prince, Don Jr and Kushner and the likes. Manafort is also still a thing. A lot of pawns before the focus will move to the top of the chain, imo. We'll see though. Next week will be an important week...
  2. He will be! What a fucking dolt. Tangent: it looks like Papdapoulos will be doing an online interview with the one who i cant name. Might be amusing. It's like watching two stars collide. A black hole might be the result.
  3. Maybe he might be joining Manafort behind bars. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/03/trump-emoluments-case-ruling-financial-records-tax-returns
  4. this piece of poetry needed another quote. Breaking news: Candiru = Bret Easton Ellis
  5. This is not the first time I'm getting a TP third season vibe in this mess. This looked like it was written to be in the third season. And perfectly cast as well. He's another bastard Horne son. Or whats his name. If only those gold shovels would also surface, I'd start digging myself out of this swampy mess.
  6. please have these people literally sucked into their phones and put behind a glass screen for the rest of their existence.
  7. Might be the case, indeed. But "some" is not all. And I believe any news agency in Germany, for instance, will have people reporting from the US. As it's standard practice. (that was my point, btw: standard practice to have people reporting from the US)
  8. Auxien, think of it this way: everybody in the world looks at the USA. In a way such that foreign news often is about the US. And foreign news is an important part of news in a lot of countries. Any news program can often be half foreign and the other half about stuff happening nationally. Although that might vary depending on the importance of the news stories, but the thing you need to understand is that foreign stuff can be important and will be covered on national TV. My guess is, more so than in the US. US media covering foreign stuff, if at all (!?), is also pretty laughable. Not because the US is stupid and all that nonsense. It's simply because of a lack of local (=foreign) reporters with a deeper understanding of the stuff happening outside the US borders. For foreign countries it's pretty standard practice to have reporters structurally on the ground in the US to report US news stories. And, again, if you want to compare, you only need to look at the amount of US reporters living and reporting from across the borders. So, in conclusion, foreign countries have it easy as they only need to have a couple reporters in the US and a couple other countries that might be relevant nationally. The reverse - US media outlets having reporters in all foreign countries - is simply impossible. I'd expect some reporters in the middle east and Jerusalem in particular, but that's about it. I'd be surprised if there happen to be people reporting from the EU, for instance.
  9. Did you manage to get your tits reattached, Ivan? Hope you're alright. I'm seeing some tiny dark dots in the sky. They might still be in orbit!
  10. Not funny. Because, basically, we're all failed strippers.
  11. Ironically, this *would* make America great again.
  12. That's good to hear. Whatever people vote, I'd rather have them vote than be a bunch of nihilistic/cynical entitled bastards staying home complaining.
  13. pelvic muscles. helps to keep everything in check after giving birth. google prolapse if you want to know why. ;)
  14. right wing humor? isn't that what a normal human being calls "making an ass of yourself"? eg: trump is a standup comedian doing right-wing humor.
  15. [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=163889215 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=107055758] plus couple more stuff on TD bandcamp. ;) hey reid, when is the new album due?
  16. 144 flew by! Still some excellent footwork in this thrizzle. Congs brisbot. And looking forward to your footwork chops if the knees back from state of collapse. And thanks to richie you know that after the collapse melodies follow! ;)
  17. Can't help but think about the Cambridge Analytica stuff: Bannon and his buddies creating a business model to make money off populist politics. With a little help from Facebook and it's non-existent notion of privacy. That sleazeball is still roaming around the EU to support populist initiatives (Italy, France, Hungary, Austria,...). Or rather, to develop his business. Admittedly, this has little to do with anti-americanism. But the thing is, if you consider the Brexit debacle as a test-case for the Trump election, I don't see the "fun" in "anti-americanism considering Brexit". (Fwiw: Im not a brit btw) Apart from that, I understand that post I made earlier came off pretty ignorant and probably triggered the whole "another ignoramus with the good old anti-american bullshit". That post wasn't aimed at the us necessarily. Although admittedly poorly worded. It was aimed at the notion that it is a matter of fact that maintaining a status quo needs military force and all that. And I believe it was implied that if the US stopped wasting their money, the EU needed to step up considerably. As the links to a couple of nato/germany increasing military budget stuff seemed to support. (Lots of potential discussion here, btw. But nevermind). To me it seems obvious that if you think away all those us dollars, you'll never see an cumulative budget in the Eu which would come even close in size. Part of it is ideological, imo. And another part is that wars are moving to the digital space. So the idea of military forces being important need to be redefined to begin with. Why waste money on an army when a couple of hackers could destroy a foreign infrastructure with a few hacks. Or nowadays, why waste time on hacking an infrastructure when you can destort a democracy by pushing bullshit through the hearts and minds of its people. So, yes. This is full circle. And yes, I still think "probably from the US" whenever I see someone arguing: status quo needs military force. Even if I know some kind of military force can be required. It's just not *that* important. If the US would close its base in Japan, you wont see Europeans moving in. And if European countries like to keep their Us bases, it might be more an economic issue than a safety issue. Even if their public statements indicate otherwise. If the US wants to close their bases, or take their missiles, (during the obama administration!) you could assume there shouldnt be a safety issue in the first place. The fact that the safety argument is still being used by the countries/communities who don't want to see them go, says something about the economic argument: you simply cant use it publically - it's unconvincing because it would imply that safety indeed wasnt an issue to begin with. So, if you really want to keep those us bases in your communities for economic reasons, you're basically forced to overstate the safety argument and understate/ignore the economic argument. This is more about economic 'status quos', than safety 'status quos'. So yeah, its complete BS for the US to have a military force settled in Germany. And the 40pct increase in military spending in germany says a number of things: - they didnt spend much to begin with ( perfectly reasonable seeing WW2 btw. They werent allowed to. So compared to other underspending eu countries, they might have spended even less, relatively speaking) - probably has more to do with (foreign) political pressure than "safety" Long post. Prolly waste of time. Shouldnt post, but this "dumb and dumber" shitstorm might be enjoyable anyways. In some sadomasochistic way. Drukqs 2/10 bae! ;)
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