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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Destroying a sense of social solidarity, eh? How many of you would enjoy going to church? A lot of that good old social solidarity was about a priest telling you what to think or do. If you want to be abstract: way before the existence of boomers, Nietzsche predicted we'd become a bunch of nihilistic f@cks because we wouldn't and couldn't cope without some fatherly religious oversight. Plenty of words have been written on why that is. Way more convincing than the "boomers did it" schtick, imo.
  2. Hear hear! /british politician edit: no not the blame capitalism game as well... here we go... you started so good.. :/
  3. The blame game. Some things which will never change, I guess. Whether you're a boomer or millennial, there's always blame to be put on something or someone else. It's easy to blame in hindsight. In the years to come, we will be blamed equally by the younger generations as well. And to a degree rightly so, perhaps. And for reasons we're likely not even aware of right now. Hakuna matata. And the man in the arena, and all that. In the end though, Gibney's book sounds like a collection of wasted paper which should have been better off being a tree. imo
  4. exactly. the trumpian real politik in a nutshell: cold, cynical and a-moral (rather immoral). with a huge dose of self-interest. also on display in the climatic change ordeal: the problem's too f-cked up to even bother doing something about it. so lets get rich while trashing the planet!
  5. yeah, well. happy people with all the hardware, I guess. ;) Could someone build a proper 8 mins track out of that part please? And put it officially online? On bandcamp I'd put in some money. :)
  6. To Trumps defence though - yeah I'm going there - I don't believe for a second he thinks MBS is innocent. IMO he's playing a Trumpian style of politics where the royal family is allowed to deal with MBS internally first. It's pretty likely there's a lot inside-stuff going on in that royal family which we know jack shit about. Trump is stalling the process to have the rest of the royal family allow to save face. Out of US/self interest. Probably both. But also for US interest, I believe. I think this narrative of Trump being a dolt, which to a degree I can believe, is wildly oversold. To some degree there is a lot of bullshit coverage with respect to Trump. imo. This is one example. He's playing politics here instead of being the naive idiot people love to paint him. Whether it is the right kind of politics is up for debate, obviously. And in all honesty, we just don't know what Trumps goal is here. What does he want to achieve? He might not even know for himself at this point. Given that he still gives space for the MBS story saying he's got nothing to do with the murder. But that's different to simply believing MBS is innocent. He's creating space for the events to unfold one way or another. And that's the scary part, imo.
  7. Oh yeah, love that part. Those MM stabs. that's a proper track which should get an official release! sean, pls
  8. love the bit which starts at 2:45 edit: got this from the tubes btw. didnt make it!
  9. The annoying thing about this whole Trump ordeal is that you have these people (often conservatives) who kinda defend him by arguing they don't like his style, but other than that don't see any particular issues. Case in example is 13 mins in this clip At which point you enter an endless discussion on style over substance. Implying that Trump basically can get away with anything because it's just his style. And to make a point on substance you immediately have to go to the supreme court in order to keep the politics out of it. As long as he's within the bounds of what is constitutional, he's doing OK. And every issue regarding those borders have to be brought in front of a court. In other words: the political checks and balances are non-existent. If there are boundaries, they're only legal. Political implications, national or international, are off the table. Welcome to authoritarianism... sorry for the rant...
  10. Color me eurocentric, but that image was probably made by someone from the US. Not enough yee haw. Really, from the outside, it's a lot of yee haw. Sure not all of it. But half the country voted Trumpo, if you know what I mean.
  11. Fine. Add a couple of universities as well. But yee haw should be bigger though. Everything yee haw except for the highly populated areas. Instead of that tiny tile which should resemble Texas, or something. Or, as a compromise, I'd rename "what?" into "honky tonk". And make that bigger.
  12. Pretty much. Although I'd add a space shuttle on there for Detroit and Chicago. Techno! Techno! Techno! Las Vegas deserves its own tile as well. And Silicon Valley and Wallstreet a seperate tile. Not seeing Hawaii and Alaska, btw. And yee haw should be bigger. Way bigger. Prolly biggest tile. And perhaps a tile for wannabe canadians in the distant north. ;D
  13. That gif XD https://twitter.com/chilesyucatan/status/1063184150339993600?s=21
  14. Thanks! Will keep this in mind while imagining the chain of events. Might add a teen with a gun singing the national anthem in there too, btw. Just to keep the stereotypes alive. ;p
  15. Don't forget about the social workers. They had school psychologists AND social workers. Not sure why they left out the armed guards and the concierge though. And actually surprised they didnt have school firemen getting involved. Or fire people. Unless they boxed them into the social workers people. Which then begs the question why they unboxed the psychologists from the social workers. And besides, she relieved herself? What does that even mean? Trying to eat kids? Did a number two? Trying to sing inappropriately? Yoga? Mindfulness exercises? Stretching? Or should I just assume it's something sexual, because it's so stupidly camouflaged it just has to be some sort of primal behavior. Like sending tweets and posting on social media. ;D
  16. HRC running in 2020 sounds like a ploy of the GOP to keep people voting DEM. If not though....how on earth would she even....
  17. We're basically on the Titanic with Lotti singing 'Tiritomba'
  18. you'll prolly get to be called a tit, or somesuch. 'cause, going for the rolling lol record in the racism thread is serious business. I mean, LOL
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