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Everything posted by goDel

  1. In other words, you should assume the latter. Thought he said so as well. But don't take my word for it though.
  2. women's march is a good example indeed! also showed a good sense of humour with those pussy ears (grab m by the pussy!). humour can be a very powerful kind of resistance, actually. on a loose tangent: this clip about the attention economy is slightly related (but not really)
  3. hope you're right. though i'm afraid fakeness has become irrelevant at this point. thinking to skip social media for a while. i'm basically becoming part of it by looking at it.
  4. Everyone knows real people don't act like Alex Jones, he's playing a character. The coffee was a nice gesture, I thought. tbh, the coffee was pretty f-ing stupid. just like the antifa protesters using violence, this stuff kind of validates Alex/the racist deplorables. not only does it acknowledge them, but it also fuels them to radicalise even more, instead of less. from their point of view it basically validates their idea that "the sheeples don't understand/are wrong". this kind of (aggressive/emotional) resistance actually enables the shit you want to resist. it creates a negative spiral. also similar to the way the "leftist media" actually enables trump with their stream of outrage, btw. it's an unfortunate irony: the more you (appear to) outrage, the more you enable them. like being afraid of Freddy Krueger in nightmare on elmstreet... so many important life lessons in that one ;-p or it's like going to some transformers movie, even though you hate that franchise shit. getting tickets, makes it bigger. sidenote: not sure whether alex jones believes his own nonsense or is just a smart business man with a cynical business model. might be both. ignore me though. guess i'm a little annoyed by all the outrage coming out of the US, currently. it only makes it worse. but, i shouldn't judge. i'm only some eu-fag without some populist government. good luck and keep strong there in the US.
  5. miller and gorka. perhaps a couple more at lower levels. but these two should be on the streets as well before things get more normal
  6. like that track. he should put a icbyd2 (or icbyd-sessions) up in his bleepstore. (assuming this one would fit nicely) syro was released in september 2014, right? not august
  7. what do you mean? the entire world has run on slavery and racism. if not now, at least in the past. to me, the us at the moment looks like a cat coughing up a hairball. looks awful now, but once the hairball (trump) is out, all will be ok (ish) again.
  8. Here's what the law says: https://www.loc.gov/law/help/peaceful-assembly/us.php and I'm sure back before electricity, torches were the defacto method of night time lighting, but they became a symbol of racial intimidation, along with burning crosses thanks to the KKK. Supposedly they had a permit to protest, and if it hadn't gone violent, were they breaking any laws? I believe hate crimes laws are a more recent development in American law, but the ACLU has taken up the cause of these people somewhat, so who knows WTF is going on. It also has to do with public vs private property for demonstration locations, i.e. pro-life protesters, Westboro Baptist Church, etc. I noticed this at the bottom of the page which might be relevant: "The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order. Statutes that prohibit people from assembling and using force or violence to accomplish unlawful purposes are permissible under the First Amendment." link doesnt work for me. :( the assembly thing seems covered, i guess, because they had a permit. what i don't get is that it's allowed to have an armed assembly and collectively shouting hate speech and having lots of signs of aggressions towards groups of people (kkk and nazi symbolism and all that). to me that looks like something which goes beyond free speech. yeah people should be allowed to be able to say what they think. individually. but collectively and basically armed and in a uniform, that's another level in my books. that goes beyond free speech of an individual. that's basically threatening and bullying other us citizens. acts of aggression. ultimately leading into an actual act of terror with the car thing. imo, the free speech didnt end with that guy using his car as a bowling ball but way earlier. as far as i'm concerned it ended the night before when the protesters were threatening those people in the synagog. even without any physical violence, the threat must have been real/palpable enough for it to have been illegal. imooo
  9. posting on the assburgers page anything to add about tp? nah lets not go there. too bad theres only one episode left though. i heard coop wakes up in the final episode. it was all just a dream!
  10. Someone please explain how free speech works in the US. Is intimidation allowed? Like militia shouting jews will not replace them? Having a hard time believing that shit is legal.
  11. this thread is like pepe the frog gently rubbing his cheeks all over my naked but. what a trollfest
  12. What do you mean "if" we end up with blue balls? Mine are blue already! If yours arent, you're not putting in the effort, methinks!
  13. glad to have that settled: 4 proper tracks and a lot of modular experimental stuff. hopefully richie gives us a burfday present by putting it in his shop next friday. would be luvvly. <3<3 :)
  14. LOL @ Kimmel saying he'd rather have Cersei Lannister in the White House at this point.
  15. also, at least give a review or something
  16. can't remember anything happening to the guy leaking the fieldday record. what's the deal?
  17. why do you think this is going to happen? bush to obama to trump. not sure how clinton would fit the pattern, though. a also, trump is currently really testing his support in the gop. and i'm a man of hope. i think the gop will win over trumpism and become a better gop. most interesting voices are currently happening coming from the right, imo (richard painter, frum). there will be more and more people on the right standing up to this bullshit. and the gop will be better because of this, imooooo
  18. At least it's clear what Trumps legacy will look like. A break down of the deep state and a growth of homegrown terrorism. A silver lining? The next president will be the complete opposite of Trump. (either in 2020 or 2024) And one of the policies this non-Trump has to implement is a revamp of gunlaws as a way to manage homegrown militia with a radicalised mindset.
  19. That's the thing with events like these: there is no "first punch" in the chaos. There's always lots of instances of (non-violent) aggression escalating a situation from bad to worse. Not aimed at maitake, but I think the "we don't know who threw the first punch" is Trumps excuse for his "violence on all sides" bullshit. As if there should be a single person to blame, and until we know who, all are to blame equally. It's just nonsense.
  20. never thought a hard brexit would mean more afx. im up for it though
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