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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Maybe corporate media is not the best place to learn about the world
  2. Luckily, The Patriarchy just emailed me and said they were gonna fire a female music teacher and give me her job, so...The Patriarchy also said I could grab her ass on her way out the door...
  3. I just saw a video entitled "why you won't get a full scholarship to Berklee" and I had a massive pang of regret, because when I was 16 I got a full scholarship to Berklee and didn't end up going for various reasons (I virtually never mention this because it sounds like something a self-aggrandizing pathological liar would say). In some ways, at some times, I feel like a fucking failure. Like I've squandered opportunities handed to me on a golden fucking platter. Like all I needed to do was show up and I couldn't even do that. But having said that I've roundaboutly autodidacted my way into a pretty solid education, especially musically
  4. I had a downstairs neighbor with paranoid schizophrenia who listened to Bill Hicks everyday. He ended up stealing my guitar and my laptop. He was also into Tarot and nitrous.
  5. I used to be a Jimmy Fallon apologist (I still stand by some of his musical impressions, like the Doors doing "Reading Rainbow") but holy fuck is he an unfunny vacuous tool
  6. I fucking love Dr. Katz so much. I got really into that show when it was airing originally. At 10 years old I wasn't exactly the target audience and some of the humor was over my head but I loved it. That was where I first heard of Louis CK, Dave Chappelle, and so many other comics who were coming up at that time. And Jon Benjamin of course. Wow, same here. And Steven Wright is perfect for 10 year olds, really.
  7. Damn, Autechre is doing more repressing than the North Korean gov't
  8. I think EFILISM would best solve all these moral dilemmas
  9. I'm joking of course...I don't think the solutions lie in utilitarianism...I think we would rather our cars not kill people based on their social worth or their happiness or whatever, that's just a recipe for a shitty paranoid world Although we should probably have heuristics for hitting a 4-year kid vs a 100-year person with stage 4 colon cancer (I would love to see the CCTV footage of that)
  10. So the car should err on the side of killing sad people? What about 3 sad people vs 2 happy people? Maybe since it's stressful being black in America--and therefor black people are probably less happy on average than white people--we should err on the side of killing black people...in fact, we should steal organs from black people and give them to white people
  11. Maximum number of lives saved. What other option is there. Maybe we can be a bit objective-erring-on-the-side-of-becoming-immoral and apply weights to individual lives as well. Save the President over two murderers. Realistically though if every car is self driving and we outlaw non-self-driving cars we can make it so no accidents will ever happen. Every car can scan the area they're in constantly, above and below, in front and behind on each side, and share that information over the internet with every other car in the world. And literally they can avoid all accidents. Computers solve problems like this all the time with concurrent scheduling algorithms, it's stupidly easy for them I don't know if you're making a subtle joke or what, but the Utilitarianism vs Deontology debate has been around for a long-ass time... there are some serious problems with "save the most amount of lives" as a moral heuristic...if that were the Highest Good, then we would be morally obliged to (e.g.) kill ONE person and give his organs to FIVE people on a transplant waiting list In short, should we ACTUALLY be pushing one person off a bridge to save the five people down below? Or do we as individuals have a right not to be pushed off bridges for the greater good, or have our organs stolen to save the many?
  12. Yes, but what should we tell them to do? You say "what their training data suggests they SHOULD do"...you need to have an aim/goal/values to have a "should"...and they (aims etc) won't just magically appear...they need to be put there by humans So again, we're back to WHAT goals/aims/values should be picked, and we're back to the need for philosophy and ethics and all that
  13. You want proof? I'll give you proof *grabs genitals through pants and wiggles them tauntingly*
  14. A gopher covering a Limp Bizkit tune would be conclusive proof IMO ymmv byob
  15. You are aware that by voting for either of those candidates, you're enabling the very system that no one likes to persist, right? And that by voting for the 'person you think will win' you are actively allowing the dumb masses to usurp your vote? If we had instant-runoff-voting then I would agree The time to fix the system is between election days, not on them Election Day is for making sure civilization doesn't drive off a fucking cliff
  16. Cops heroically exact revenge for a ding in a rich white guy's car IMO
  17. In other words "let's be the non-uppity house 'negroes' white people want us to be"
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