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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. 1) I always thought of her as this well-read bohemian type, but the writing in her book is barely literate...it is really really awful...it reads like a middle-schooler phoning-in an essay assignment...and she has no insight (self- or otherwise), there is no depth to any of her thoughts...so anyway, it turns out she's exactly as vapid as she pretends to be 2) the way she talks about the Thurston affair is so amazingly petty...it's just this orgy of passive-aggressive sardonic jabs...it's like those trite suicide notes like 'go on, this world will be better without me anyway'...now, I understand how painful these things are...but she takes petty shots at Thurston anytime she has a chance, like talking about the early days of SY and she will just drop in these covert insults about how hard he tried to look cool or how bad he was at this or that...and again not details that flesh out the narrative but these wild left-turns just to try to cut him down I still love SY, of course, but...I am not impressed by Kim Gordon anymore lol...she is more Kim Kardashian than Allen Ginsberg
  2. I'm actually like this with a lot of my favorite bands...there's always a couple albums I haven't heard yet. Had only heard 1/2 of RDJ's stuff up until a couple years ago. And there's like 20 Coltrane albums I've yet to hear. Oh and Daydream Nation is a legit masterpiece IMO. P.S. Anyone rear/hear the new Kim Gordon book? I listened to the audiobook and I lost pretty much every ounce of respect I had for her as a person...and she was always my fave SY member ("Shadow of a Doubt" y'all)
  3. On a mega-marathon of Criminal Minds Decent show but so many 'Prometheus school of running' moments The profiling stuff is awesome, tho
  4. Yeah I mean I'm just giving my opinion...Goonies is a sentimental favorite of mine Lopez, are you bemoaning my Eternal Sunshine rating as well?
  5. What band and what album is that, candiru? (Can't follow links on tapatalk)
  6. I just asked "are they?" because I can't play audio from tapatalk And as far as the changes to "Giant Steps" baffling contemporaries...sorta. Keep in mind the tune "Have You Met Miss Jones?" was a well-known standard by then, and the bridge uses the same 3-tonic device (although it modulates in the opposite direction to "Giant Steps")...not to mention the Tadd Dameron 'turnaround' was in popular use by then which, along with Slonimsky's Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns and probably Messiaen, is where Coltrane nicked the device from. But also, the "Giant Steps" changes baffled Coltrane himself. He wasn't at all comfortable playing over the changes (listen to the dozen or outtakes), and mostly he just pieced together pre-designed licks...listen to "Countdown" (also "Coltrane changes") for further evidence of this: he plays a variation of the same solo for 5 or 6 choruses...
  7. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    1) The AI 'motivation' question is really interesting...of course the big concern isn't really creating an evil AI...it's creating an AI that regards humans the way humans regard ants...what's strange is that in the last 5-10 years, we have more and more come to realize just how crucial emotion is in motivation...I think the current thinking is that perfect stoics like Spock or Data are impossible...that without emotion there can't be preference or motivation...it makes sense if you think of emotion as a sort-of gauge of how much the world is aligning to your will (and to the extent that it's not, we feel negative emotions which we seek to minimize though acting on the world, etc etc)....anyway, that's something I've not heard talked about anywhere 2) The 'what-ifs' in my post are just a few possibilities, but the fact is SOMEONE is gonna design it, and there are gonna be massive economic and political shifts, and wars have been started over much less. I think the only way to avoid that sorta stuff is to assemble a global committee to design it, with the goal of sharing its fruits equally among all people. If it's designed by some right-libertarians who aren't big on charity or sharing or general pro-social behavior, then just think how that might play out. They will potentially have the power to destroy any government on earth (esp. if an AI can improve itself, or create better versions of itself...eventually the outcome will be a sort of all-powerful machine God)...so anyway, if word got out that such a person/group was on track to create a super-intelligent AI, the choices would be to either stop them or let them rule the world.
  8. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    fixt 4 u But really I've seen this discussed relatively regularly for at least the past decade, and on occasion well before then (Terminator 2: Judgement Day was one interesting documentary-style film on the subject, look it up! ). It rarely comes across as very serious discussions because I don't think we're seriously close to it, nor close to even understanding what it really entail for not only humans and our meager understanding of self-awareness and consciousness in general, but also for the AI. I am always curious to see some serious discussion of the topic though so I'm gonna go look up some info on the book :) Superintelligence is an amazing book... And perhaps an AI thread is in order, because it's such a rich topic that has implications for economics, global politics, labor, democracy, Utopia and Distopia, actual immortality, nuclear game theory, art and music, right-libertarianism vs socialism, psychology, morality, etc etc...I mean, if word got out that someone was currently developing super-intelligent AI, it might set off a chain reaction that destroys the world before the thing is even built. The perception would be that whoever develops it will rule world for the rest of time, I mean just imagine if it's the Chinese gov't or Solicon Valley Right-libertarians who get there first...neither strike me as the type eager to donate the fruits to humanity and create a work-free utopia for all...and that's assuming that whoever makes it would have any measure of control over it, which...the 'control problem' is an open problem that I would bet good money that it's unsolvable...like, you would have to design an elaborate system of incentives and failsafes that was immune to exploits, human error or corruption...a super-intelligent AI is gonna find elaborate, domino-like exploits that humans could never imagine.... P.s. sorry for the unsightly wall of text
  9. I bet 'st' stands for 'stereo' If you think about his recent naming convention, it seems to be the mixdown file-name I think most people name their files like that, to distinguish it from earlier mixdowns The only other 'st' gear I can think of is the Zoom Sampletrack (which regularly gets abbreviated as 'st' on various boombap forums)
  10. The '5' could just refer to the mix version of the song
  11. I recently heard The Body and really liked it and decided I need to seek out some more...chamber doom? Pessimismcore? (I'm not up on my metal sub-subgenres) Anyway...what should I thrown on next?
  12. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    P.S. Oh and also, if there exists 'which path' information, but it is destroyed, then the cat will always have been in a superposition of alive/dead (According to the analogy)
  13. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    QM is probably the weirdest thing we've ever learned about the universe There's really no way to have a perfectly intuitive grasp of it I spent a lot of time reading about the Delayed-Choice Quantum Eraser experiment It's like a QM 'greatest hits' compilation If you can wrap your head around that, then you're stylin' But yeah... I literally thought it was a joke at first The punchline is that even if you wait until AFTER shooting particles through the slits (lol) To (indirectly) observe what happened...whether you look or not will determine how the particles acted....in the fucking past Now, apparently there's not an actual causal relationship between the later observation and the earlier action...but the actual (proposed) explanation is almost as weird as retrocausality: so you don't need observers to get QM weirdness...it could happen without anyone looking....what causes the weirdness is whether 'which path' (i.e. which slit) information exists or not...like, this doesn't make any sense based on how we think the universe works...like so the analogy with Shrodinger's Cat...it's not that the cat is just both alive and dead until someone looks at it...it's that IF (and only if) there exists information in the universe regarding the cat's status (looking inside the box is just one example)...then the cat will have always been either alive or dead, never having been in some hypothetical superposition of both IMO this detail of QM is the strangest thing humanity has ever discovered
  14. LimpyLoo

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    What aspects of QM did you have problems understanding? (Just curious)
  15. I figured out how to do pulsewidth modulation on a guitar: Picking 12 frets above a note makes a squarewave-like note (almost bassoon-like) And if you gradually pick from that fret down to the bridge you'll hear the waveshape transform in a linear, PWM-like way
  16. Some beautiful cinematography there Dude even got post-choke-out reaction shots from everyone
  17. Yeah dude went for a security guard's gun right beside Trump, right?
  18. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    Recently I started obsessively buying/reading books about music: John Coltrane: His Life and Music (bio peppered with musicology) George Van Eps - Harmonic Mechanism for Guitar, 1-3 (a thousand page OCD exegesis on fingerings, counterpoint, voice-leading, etc) John Cage - Silence (early essays and lectures) This Is Your Brain On Music (Neuro, Social, Psych and Ev-Psych perspectives on music) Slonimsky's Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns (Coltrane's bible) The Music of Bela Bartok (hard analysis) Effortless Mastery (how to think about making music, essentially) Being Here (interviews with contemporary improvisers) Where the Heart Beats (on Cage and Zen Buddhism) Derek Bailey - Improvisation (history of its theory and practice, East and West)
  19. It's so surreal that there has already been an assassination attempt on Trump I honestly can't even tell anymore if "president Trump" is a real prospect or not
  20. Anyone watching Broadchuch? I gave it a chance and ended up marathoning both seasons with the ol' ball-and-chain And by the end we were both really angry in a way that has never happened before... Season 2 finale...the town had a chance to redeem itself but instead they all selfishly sent a monster out into the world...unfortunately I think the writer's thought this was a moral victory for the town but it was exactly the fucking opposite.
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