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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Well, you can't learn any truths about the external world (per se) from drug use. You can't, for instance, drop acid and gain insight into how the universe began. However, drug use can offer great scientific insight into matters of consciousness, identity, perception, ontology, etc. For instance: in our everyday life we tend to have the feeling that we are positioned behind our experiences, having them (this is sometimes called the Cartesian Theater), but of course this makes no sense psychologically or philosophically. LSD can collapse this illusion.
  2. Wait, I missed that You were roommates with Miles Okazaki?
  3. Yeah totally I had sorta lost faith in jazz for a while As being un-progressive, self-indulgent and sometimes even puritanical And instead I was drawn towards more conceptual-minded composers In other fields But folks like Mark Turner, Miles Okazaki, Dan Weiss Reaffirmed That jazz doesn't have to be Dudes running scales Over generic swing (Which to me is about the least interesting thing) Miles Okazaki especially Hits my Steve Reich g-spot I gotta go out and buy his book
  4. bah yeah all those PG's cost so damn much very often more than the gear their meant to control
  5. well remind me not to get a job as a toilet-cleaner at that place...
  6. dude, check out "rhythmic tiling" here's the hidden youtube companioin vids for the book: last vid is "rhythmic tiling"
  7. Alright, so to give you guys a sense of my frustration...this is why i'll never again talk politics on WATMM if you say something, people will just hear what they wanna hear and then lump you in with any and everyone else who disagrees with them and they will think that you hold the same opinions as those people Just to follow up on this - it went viral, they got the guys name, Twitter account etc - then increased the brightness/contrast of a pic he posted, exposing his genitals: http://www.theransomnote.co.uk/new-world-musings/news/cyclists-take-online-revenge-on-insane-road-rage-driver/ lol. fucking cunt deserves it, absolutely appalling behaviour he displayed in that video. interesting approach. one could almost expand on it and say that deliberately antagonising people for holding certain religious belief is counterproductive in trying to build cross-cultural relations and world peace. right... ...which is something i said multiple times but the nuanc seemed to hurt people's brains so they forgot. Would you like me to go find it? It shouldn't be hard since I said it about once per page... i think it should be but since we live in a world where people get murdered for depicting Muhammad on a micro scale: no it's not a good idea but on a macro, historic scale: it is a good idea as has been pointed out part of the reason drawing Muhammad is dangerous is because so few people do it for instance after the Charlie Ebdo attack some publications (e.g. New York Times) wouldn't publish the cartoons or even the MET taking down all art depicting Mohammad unfortunately this serves both to legitimize the problem and localize the risk to those who do decide to depict Muhammad I really strongly disagree with you about this. Yes of course freedom of speech is important and people should be allowed to express themselves even if their opinions are extremely unpopular. Guess what though - they *are* allowed. These people drawing pictures of the prophet aren't getting locked up for doing so. The Westboro Baptist Church are allowed to picket soldier's funerals and wave placards about with 'God hates fags' daubed all over them. People are allowed to express racial, homophobic and sexist prejudice without getting locked up for it. Does that make it right for them to do those things though? Should we hold all of these examples up as shining beacons showing the world the values we stand for? I don't think so, do you? The people drawing these pictures aren't doing it because they're professional artists making profound postmodern cultural statements. They're not doing it because they're trying to make the world a better place. They're doing it because they're racist fuckwits. There's no scenario where it should be a good idea to be a racist fuckwit. I agree that some of them are indeed racist fuckwits. But that is incidental. And they are allowed to do it....sorta. They either get scorned or murdered. Freedom of speech has to protect the unsavory shit, the shit we don't like. It has to protect the Holocaust deniers and the white supremacists and the Pam Gellers of the world, otherwise it's just "freedom of uncontroversial speech." Should the MET have taken down art that depicted Muhammad? Should Wikipedia have? I think there are a few issues here, and we're both talking past each other a bit: 1) should people be able to draw Muhammad without fear of death? (I think we all agree that yes, they should) 2) is it wise--given the current state of affairs--to draw Muhammad? (Practically speaking, it is dangerous to do) 3) might there be some racist people involved in the drawing of Muhammad? (without a doubt) 4) do we want to live in a world where drawing Muhammad--for whatever reason--isn't dangerous? (I hope we all do) 5) When someone draws Muhammad (or writes a book about Islam, or a film, or whatever) and is murdered, is it their own fault? (I hope we all think that no, no it's not)
  8. It's more than just paranoia, though Many of them seem to think that climate changers, immigrants, Muslims, environmentalists and liberals in general are all sub-human and should be treated as such. Like, I get a real "let's just bomb the middle east and let God sort 'em out" kinda vibe from those types of conservatives. The way some of these mindless 'liberals' behave you have to wonder at their 'humanity'. They'll agree with the state terror as long as obama's in power. They'll agree with any psycho religious custom that they wouldn't accept from those of their own race in the name of 'tolerance'. It's all a big hypocritical what the fuck subhuman brain state from many of everyone everywhere, liberals, redneckals, immigrantals. where do you guys get these ideas? for instance: who supports state terror? people who support obama support the US state manifesting state power to create state terror. Drone programs in several countries performing extra judicial executions from above with huge collateral losses, funding giant proxy armies to roam about the middle east and africa raping, pillaging, mudering and genociding, masterminding and funding coups like in ukraine and almost in macedonia. yup, so what were you trynah say ? so you were talking about mindless 'liberals' and their 'humanity' supporting state terror? who were you referring to?
  9. It's more than just paranoia, though Many of them seem to think that climate changers, immigrants, Muslims, environmentalists and liberals in general are all sub-human and should be treated as such. Like, I get a real "let's just bomb the middle east and let God sort 'em out" kinda vibe from those types of conservatives. The way some of these mindless 'liberals' behave you have to wonder at their 'humanity'. They'll agree with the state terror as long as obama's in power. They'll agree with any psycho religious custom that they wouldn't accept from those of their own race in the name of 'tolerance'. It's all a big hypocritical what the fuck subhuman brain state from many of everyone everywhere, liberals, redneckals, immigrantals. where do you guys get these ideas? for instance: who supports state terror?
  10. It's more than just paranoia, though Many of them seem to think that climate changers, immigrants, Muslims, environmentalists and liberals in general are all sub-human and should be treated as such. Like, I get a real "let's just bomb the middle east and let God sort 'em out" kinda vibe from those types of conservatives. just out of curiosity, (and correct me if im mistaken) but didn't Sam Harris effectively use his neuroscience background to show that brain scans of muslims show a greater propensity towards violence (aka they are more animalistic and subhuman than the rest of us folks)? For me its much easier to write off and minimize someone like a conservative who literally thinks a muslim is subhuman, much harder and more destructive for someone who calls themselves liberal atheist and is as respectable as Sam Harris to make basically the same claims couched in intellectual language. Unfortunately even if this wasn't Sam Harris' intentions (to make educated parts of the populations broadly judge entire populations of people as being less civilized) he has convinced a lot of liberals that islam poses the greatest threat in the world and thats a lot scarier to me than a bunch of fucktard american flag waving conservatives screaming about sharia law Where on earth did you hear that? lol yeah so, once again: Sam Harris doesn't think muslims are subhuman it's really frustrating how one can't talk about supersticious or supernatural beliefs without essentially being called racist or xenophobic or whatever
  11. Would you like me to go find it? It shouldn't be hard since I said it about once per page...
  12. Just to follow up on this - it went viral, they got the guys name, Twitter account etc - then increased the brightness/contrast of a pic he posted, exposing his genitals: http://www.theransomnote.co.uk/new-world-musings/news/cyclists-take-online-revenge-on-insane-road-rage-driver/ lol. fucking cunt deserves it, absolutely appalling behaviour he displayed in that video. interesting approach. one could almost expand on it and say that deliberately antagonising people for holding certain religious belief is counterproductive in trying to build cross-cultural relations and world peace. right... ...which is something i said multiple times but the nuanc seemed to hurt people's brains so they forgot.
  13. Just to follow up on this - it went viral, they got the guys name, Twitter account etc - then increased the brightness/contrast of a pic he posted, exposing his genitals: http://www.theransomnote.co.uk/new-world-musings/news/cyclists-take-online-revenge-on-insane-road-rage-driver/ as terrible and idiotic as the leather jacket dude is the cyclist is also dumb for not even trying to de-escalate the situation like, if you want this maniac to get out of your face, stop shouting insults at him i almost find them both equally insufferable
  14. stand your ground should be repealed.......immediately after this trial
  15. lol came right outta nowhere haha sexual lol tri you rock that phrase better than i ever did
  16. It's more than just paranoia, though Many of them seem to think that climate changers, immigrants, Muslims, environmentalists and liberals in general are all sub-human and should be treated as such. Like, I get a real "let's just bomb the middle east and let God sort 'em out" kinda vibe from those types of conservatives.
  17. What the hell Roland is that? I'm actually kinda embarrassed that I don't know Ooh p.s. Nice JX-3P I think I'm becoming a vintage Roland obsessive What the hell Roland is that? I'm actually kinda embarrassed that I don't know Ooh p.s. Nice JX-3P I think I'm becoming a vintage Roland obsessive Edit: Oh duh alpha Juno...nvm What are all the other synths, etc?
  18. everytime i've stumbled upon a conservative blog or whatever i've been horrified by the comments section it's somehow worse than the average comments section
  19. I finally stumbled upon another mushroom hook-up 4-5 years ago I was doing 'em like once a month pretty excited
  20. Nash wasn't a paranoid schizophrenic, he was just privy to the reptilians so they killed him.
  21. Not a care who you are. Carry on. oop, my mistake...i thought i was getting called a racist neocon again (in that case, ignore my last post as it's therefor not applicable)
  22. Is that a directed at me? if so, this is directed at you: (you and JE must've studied political debate at the same school)
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