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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Luke, that is truly bizarre that this sorta thing happened to you too. Yeah, fucked up experience. Even with the anesthetic it was the weirdest feeling in the world. I cringe when I remember the sensation (which I unfortunately remember quite vividly). here's to never having a tube shoved down your urethra all the way to your bladder ever again *clinks glass*
  2. well they had me pee into the tube so i had my junk out, peeing into a tube in front of 3 women does that change the dynamic any?
  3. (hmm, maybe i should start an 'embarrassing limpyloo stories' thread)
  4. when i was 10 i got in a nasty fight with a neighborhood kid he kicked me in the side and i started urinating blood and continued to urinate trace amounts of blood for about 3 years doctors never figured out exactly where the *ahem* leak was but anyway the doctors were 3 young women and i got an erection from them handling my junk (this is BEFORE they jammed a giant tube into my urethra, of course) so yeah, that was an awkward moment although i was young and sex-naive and on whatever drugs they had me on so i was a bit like 'hmmm, so i guess that's happening"...*shrugs* true story
  5. I threw my back out and now I'm having some of the worst pain of my life (since I had a giant tube shoved into my urethra all the way to my bladder when I was 10).
  6. my cat likes to go outside:
  7. haha I love Legowelt but...err i kinda agree (please don't put a retro hex on me, Mr. Legowelt)
  8. Ah yes, free speech. Free speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want with zero consequences. You're welcome to call me a fag if you want, of course, because free speech. But if you call me a fag again and I report you, you can't say 'he violated my free speech.' So do your thing, but please don't call me a fag again.
  9. One of my old high school friends--who, it turns out, is a creationist--is talking about possibly giving her kid antibiotics. I really want to jump into the thread and say something about having her cake and eating it too with science. Oh god, so tempting.
  10. Those new Yamaha's look so fucking sexy
  11. The spinoff show should literally just be Beth getting shot from multiple angles in slow motion
  12. whoa nice can you rundown the goods?
  13. Beth is stupid and I laughed when she died she waited until literally the worst moment to make her move she had days...maybe weeks to do that so dumb
  14. Hey, at least he was conscious when they stripped him.
  15. She's a fascist with a God complex who rationalizes her brutality by talking about 'tough choices' and 'for the greater good.'
  16. Wait, really? Also, fuck Beth! I laughed out loud when she got shot in the face. Probably not the reaction the writers were looking for. Damn I didn't pick up on that either. yeah i lolled out loud at Beth Death too and i missed the other thing...for shame
  17. The writers on this show must be dumb, uncreative people...or they deride their audience and purposefully make this show dumb. Beth--or somebody--would've killed what's-her-bucket by now. That cop ran away from the car chasing him in a straight-fucking-line. Classic. I think I watch this show because I really just want to see everyone die.
  18. lead singer from Creed's meth- and/or steroid-fueled conspiratorial rant about people following him and stealing his money (he's broke btw smh lol wtf) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1m5v8FnH50
  19. we rebuild find strength in ourselves and in others take LSD and get an HJ from a hobo etc
  20. if it's obvious then everyone would know and agree on who it was what's your theory? my theory involves ears fuck you, Ludd I'm really tired of your sardonic assholeness
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