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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. i always want to believe that watmm is full of great, thoughtful, reasonable, rational, compassionate people but i often find myself bombarded with evidence to the contrary...
  2. Oh jesus, "14 07" is one of the greatest choons I've ever heard.
  3. This is truly madness beautiful beautiful madness
  4. Anyone else getting "sorry, we can't find that track/user"?
  5. shit, i missed this whole party what page has a DL link?
  6. This stuff sounds awfully hi-fi(ish) for (supposedly) being old demos (or whatever they're supposed to be).
  7. Accepting the fact that Bill Cosby is a serial rapist is gonna be a hard pill to swallow but, you know, the proof is in the pudding...?
  8. Prison should be a place to put people so they can't harm society. That is the only reason (that I can think of) that people's freedom should be taken away from them. So yeah if there's a serial rapist going around serial raping, then he is a great candidate for prison.
  9. Or people decided to start listening to the victims. And as far as "innocent until proven" guilty...there will be no criminal trials as per the statute of limitations. Rather, we are simply trying to determine if this widely-loved public figure is a serial rapist with the evidence we have at hand: that is, 30+ accusers. Rape victims are notoriously ignored (especially 20, 30 years ago). Most rapes go unreported (for the reason stated in the previous sentence). Only 25% of reports result in arrests, and then only 2% of rapists actually go to jail. It's a depressing state of things and not really surprising that rapes go unreported.
  10. Ambermonk, I'm so sorry to hear that. May fortune smile on you and your family.
  11. eh whatever You got a great studio, mate. That's more than enough to get the job done. What's that white synth with the headphones on it?
  12. Me too, bro. pshh, i love you guys someday we'll run into each other and I'll buy you guys a drunk
  13. Is that a gray 101 in the corner? oh and what's the EHX pedal beside the MS-20?
  14. watmmers got some sexy kit dup in heeyah
  15. oh my gosh yes mindfulness meditation helped me get rid of my anxiety i would highly recommend it somehow, I'm no longer a highly-neurotic person who morbidly obsesses about things stopped taking xanax and everything (p.s.here's a great primer)
  16. Girlfriend got drunk today. (we both quit drinking about 3 years ago) I'm kinda scared. Life had been near-perfect around here for quite awhile. Today feels kinda different.
  17. shit i don't remember I'd love to hear it, though the Brazilian vibe is painfully under-represented in electronic music
  18. ah might as well post some KR while I"m here (he's been my favorite guitarist for a while) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3d_JMhvqi_g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDRNaSNkmSA
  19. nice Airto, Flora Purim, Stanley Clarke, Chick Corea....that whole crew did some great stuff I love the Brazilian influence that seeped into jazz around that time ooh, that reminds me that Kurt Rosenwinkel is working on a Brazilian "solo" record on his laptop... he said it's very much like his album Heartcore in method that is, a "jazz" record made using electronic music techniques samplers, chopping up performances, synths, crazy processing, etc (i'm obsessed with Brazilian music--and trying to integrate it into electronic music--so this is very exciting to me)
  20. I like how the cat goes limp upon landing
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