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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. I think in 6 months I'll see if there's any used on eBay thing is sexy, and I really need a CV>midi is anyone planning to use it in a hardware-only setup? I'd love to switch over to all hardware problem is alot of the stuff I do would require a lot of hardware to pull off would need like Kaoss Pads and multiple reverbs and tweak-friendly delays and such
  2. Great. Now I've gone down the Bad Brains YT rabbit hole. oh shit Bad Brains I haven't heard them in like 10 years so great...got me into both punk and dub
  3. . I know you like the bop and post-bop dude...but even if you don't like modern dudes, they're still worth studying for chops and ideas there were no chops or ideas in that piece, maybe he has other's that would be interesting to my brain, i've been playing guitar for 24 years and and listening to it for far longer. People are into what they're into though, i was just a little shocked that anyone could use the word 'innovative' for that quite weak guitar playing. /goes back to watmm hiatus, cause i'm probably just annoying everyone at this point. sorry. Do you know what "counterpoint" means? Either you don't (I'm guessing you do) or you weren't listening very closely. I mean, since it's not very innovative, what guitarists were doing counterpart back in the 60's? I guess I must've missed all those guitarists who comfortably play two lines at once...
  4. I mean, it's a ballad. I know you like the bop and post-bop dude...but even if you don't like modern dudes, they're still worth studying for chops and ideas. There weren't a ton of jazz guitarists doing counterpoint before this current generation. You got George Van Epps, Jimmy Wyble, Lenny Breau, Ted Greene (I learned alot from this lately) and maybe a few other dudes. But mostly you just had dudes like Barney Kessell and Joe Pass, who sorta hinted at counterpoint, but didn't really have a fleshed-out approach to it. And even among pianists, nobody could really improvise counterpoint in any serious way before Brad Mehldau. Delet...do you like Julian Lage? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFl5dkoqJYc
  5. umm okay sorry for posting, I guess
  6. Been digging Gilad Hekselman lately. He's amazing. Check out his counterpart stuff on this tune: So many amazing, innovative players in this current generation of jazz musicians.
  7. edit: oops looks like it's more like 10 if married, 13 if not married
  8. edit: oh jesus, i just started thinking about the implications of Nigeria not having an age of consent
  9. Reading that article got me wondering about age of consent laws. Here are some fun facts: -age of consent is 16 most places in U.S. -age of consent is 12 in Mexico City, Philippines and Angola -there is no age of consent in Nigera I find the interplay between morality and law interesting. You can't buy cigarettes the day before your 18th birthday, but obviously nothing magical happens on your 18th birthday. It's a bit like the old idea of having a pile of salt... you take away a grain, it's still a mound of salt and so on, and so on...but eventually, it will cease to be a mound. Back to the Subway guy...it seems strange that having sex with a 16 year old is legal, but having an image of a 16 year old is illegal. I don't know how things should be different, but it just seems strange. I mean, the sex is higher stakes than the picture, no? And it's strange that adults who have pictures of 16 year olds would--socially--be branded pedophiles, while at the same time the legislation on the books allows one to actually have sex with a 16-year old. In conclusion, Jared sounds like a creep.
  10. it's an amazing tune how can u not like it!?!?
  11. Until today, I had never in my life heard that the economic disaster was caused by over-regulation.
  12. I think Lehrer deserved some of what he got certainly, he was a fraud. The dongle gate folks, and the AIDS joke tweeter did not though, both because there wasn't really much wrong with what they did in the first place, but even if there was they're pretty insignificant people in the grand scheme of things, so it's pretty petty and vindictive to go after them, mob justice can be acceptable if it holds the powerful to account, but you're right, it needs to be proportional. Twitter is awful. I totally agree with everything you just said.
  13. Last night I stayed up until like 5 reading about disgraced journalist Jonah Lehrer, and John Ronson's book So You've Been Publicly Shamed. I've been on the fence about the ethics and efficacy of public shaming. (Also, public shaming dovetails nicely with my recent obsession: acausal decision theories, Parfitian-filters, morality and evolutionary psychology) But ultimately I decided that humans are social creatures, we have to share this earth and the things on it, and so I am totally down with public shaming to the extent that it's proportional (although deciding what's proportional is another matter altogether). This dentist should have an uncomfortable life, at least for a while. His faux-apology ("oops, didn't realize anyone cared about that particular lion") is just further evidence that this guy is the quintessential rich white entitled American fuckwad. The sort of person who inflicts pain and death on fellow creatures simply to keep from being bored, that is a person that should eat shit for the rest of their life.
  14. upon reading bottom statement... So like, he didn't assault her, he didn't take his genitals out in front of her, he...hit on her while he was married? I was ready to read that article and be like "man, that sucks that Louie pulled his balls out in front of that woman, i'm disappointed in him..." But if he simply hit on her, then maybe (maybe) that's bad etiquette on Louie's part... but it certainly doesn't merit being mentioned in the same breath as an actual rapist... Umm, seriously...she's talking about him like he's a rapist if her ONLY qualm is that she didn't want to be hit on and he was married if that's the end of the story right there then she is using the wrong tone to tell this story she's talking about it like he kidnapped her and raped her to death
  15. Isn't it relevant that space and resources are finite? I think it is, to a degree. There are more than enough resources on this planet for everyone. When people hoard resources (e.g. in a world where Nestle wants to 'privitize' drinking water) or when market forces disincentivice resource distribution (e.g. US throws away 40% of our food when it could go to, say, Africa), then problems occur. Shouldn't things in general be less affordable if they are more scarce? To curb consumption you need to make things less available right? Edit: I wonder how real scarcity is. I'm not an economist by any means but I figure scarcity is used as leverage to justify raising prices in a disproportionate manner to it's reality as a phenomenon. Scarcity doesn't affect inelastic demand. For instance, scarcity of food won't affect how hungry people are. "Scarcity" is usually just market friction. There really truly is enough to go around, but that runs counter to anarcho-capitalist values so...
  16. i think you might be skirting over what I said a little too much because of your disposition to automatically reject anything that could be described as a 'conspiracy'. I ended with a point about Jimmy Savile that really can't be explained without the existence of people in the BBC protecting him. Same with Jerry Sandusky. Looking the other way intentionally at someone committing illegal acts is a form of protecting a criminal, and if multiple people were doing this to either Bill Cosby, Savile or Sandusky it is by definition a conspiracy. i'll happily concede that conspiracies do happen and Savilles and Sanduskys do get protected I'm just saying that there's no reason (as yet) to ascribe BC's downfall to a conspiracy i agree with that, but I think its pretty obvious that if he were not famous and had a lot of people protecting him (keeping quiet or actively helping him cover it up) he would have been outed years ago oh well i agree with that but that's everything to do with his power and influence and nothing to do with some angry exec deciding Cosby should go down
  17. i think you might be skirting over what I said a little too much because of your disposition to automatically reject anything that could be described as a 'conspiracy'. I ended with a point about Jimmy Savile that really can't be explained without the existence of people in the BBC protecting him. Same with Jerry Sandusky. Looking the other way intentionally at someone committing illegal acts is a form of protecting a criminal, and if multiple people were doing this to either Bill Cosby, Savile or Sandusky it is by definition a conspiracy. i'll happily concede that conspiracies do happen and Savilles and Sanduskys do get protected I'm just saying that there's no reason (as yet) to ascribe BC's downfall to a conspiracy
  18. The idea that somehow someone 'high in the media' orchestrated a conspiracy against Bill Cosby over the course of decades involving at least 36 women separately accusing him of sexual assault and managed to get all other media outlets with their thousands of independent reporters to play along and pretend the lies against Bill are true and that somehow all these women are untrustworthy and just making up silly stories is literally insane. Of course the media decided to grill him. The guy spent his entire career using his power and influence to abuse women and sweep the allegations under the carpet. It would be pretty messed up if they weren't reporting this. you bring up a very interesting dilemma then, because heres the thing (if you inverse your premise above). If that many women knew Bill Cosby was a rapist for that long, how/why did it take the media so long to start seriously reporting on it? There is definitely something to the idea that celeberty classes are generally 'protected' unless of course they aren't, and at a certain point his hollywood friends (producers, actors, fellow comedians, whoever) decided to open the floodgates and stop protecting him. This is how pedophiles like Jimmy Savile were able to operate for so long at the BBC. To me this is a far more disturbing premise than the one you lay out above, that if you are a powerful and influential celebrity you can actually break the law in certain horrible ways for a long time and get away with it if you have enough people buffering you/protecting you if you guys don't recall the event that shone the spotlight back on Cosby's creepiness was a Hannibal Buress joke lots of bad things happen the media doesn't report on all of it because of bandwidth, current-ness, etc etc etc etc us humans have constrained memory, attention, rationality, empathy, etc things from the distant past don't get re-reported unless there is a new spark and that's not a conspiracy
  19. ?..a nd make up to $1,000/day working from home.
  20. A cute girl very blatantly hit on me today. It was a much-needed shot in the arm for my confidence.
  21. what's required to make a new soundtrack? would you have to buy the blue ray to get isolated dialogue and sountrack? Fuck the dialogue. It's stoopid anyway. I mean in general because there's a few movies I'd fucking LOVE to re-OST Rush, for starters....one of my fave movies, but it's got an Eric Clapton soundtrack (after one of the characters dies fucking "Tears in Heaven" starts playing) there's like 10 movies whose soundtracks I would love to redo so now I'm actually curious how to do this Well, it all depends on how it's been mixed. If you're lucky you might be able to isolate the dialogue, since it'll most likely be pretty much centered throughout the entire movie unless someone is talking off-screen and the music should be in the L and R channels. nice thx *adds "rescoring Rush" to massive TO DO list*
  22. what's required to make a new soundtrack? would you have to buy the blue ray to get isolated dialogue and sountrack? Fuck the dialogue. It's stoopid anyway. I mean in general because there's a few movies I'd fucking LOVE to re-OST Rush, for starters....one of my fave movies, but it's got an Eric Clapton soundtrack (after one of the characters dies fucking "Tears in Heaven" starts playing) there's like 10 movies whose soundtracks I would love to redo so now I'm actually curious how to do this
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