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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. do you even america this thread has some of the most biased arsed extremist opnion that i've ever seen, and it's not in the links that you people's brain implants tell you to provide, but the silly comments, ohh the naivety of it all. /what will maddow tell us to think today, oh great of little hair, please provide us with your cia funded knowledge. Do you think black civilians could march around Ferguson with assault rifles? Do you think that would go smoothly?
  2. "There's so many white people in this room it looks like a Black Lives Matter protest." -Anthony Cumia Interesting. I wonder how Varg Vikernes and David Duke feel about this. P.S. Here's Cumia doing some good ol' blackface: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXAJetk9iJo#t=32
  3. I'm watching the debate... I've never seen such a concentration of anti-labor, anti-science, pro-corporatocracy, anti-enlightment assholes. Let's kill social security and Obamacare, raise the retirement age, defund all the social programs, neuter the EPA... Repeal Dodd-Frank?
  4. lol how so? are you familiar with Chris Hitchens Limpy? He's one of the most infamous 'liberals turned neocon' who essentially imploded from narcissism and bloodthirsty idiocy, so why would you trust/take somone even remotely seriously like that on international issues? id give you the benefit of the doubt and assume maybe you don't know about Hitchens legacy, but he's not too far off from serial killer eyes Sam Harris, so not sure? its disappointing to see any member of watmm promoting the work of neocons :( i don't have to agree with someone on everything to agree with them on some things in fact, I get very suspicious when people can't agree with someone on anything (for instance, the fact that you've never agreed with anything Sam Harris has said i'm guessing because Greenwald called Sam Harris a 'neocon' or something and so it seems you never actually bothered to find out what SH actually says and believes) i know you like to call people 'neocon' (you called me a 'neocon' for my position on the Ticking Time Bomb scenario lol) but Sam Harris simply isn't a neocon Christopher Hitchens...maybe, that's another story
  5. that's a very literal, autistic reading of what he said yes the children have been raise to believe that they live in a regime that is run by a god that's not to say that they actually believe it...but rather with all the propaganda everywhere, they are being raised to believe it would you not say that's true? and liberty, humor, irony clearly he's not talking about the actual people of NK being joyless humorless husks of human beings but rather the cultural and social atmosphere that is forced on them
  6. Anyone here like Ben Monder? Dude is insane...i've never heard anything quite like his stuff very chamber-y and composer-y
  7. Christopher Hitchens has a lot of colorful things to say about NK:
  8. edit: not 2x nyquist, just nyquist full-stop
  9. this is making me feel dumb i prolly just need to read up on it okay, so like, D/A converters have a LPF at 20khz or thereabouts, right? so why do you ever need to oversample beyond 2x the nyquist (i.e. ~40khz)?
  10. +1 would also really love to know what gives you optimism (besides maybe just hoping the best for humanity) because i can't see how things can possibly get better (despite divine intervention of some kind) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNSyCqqEPAI It would take a rather long post for me to make a convincing case. But be assured that my view ISN'T that the world is gonna magically repair itself in the next 5 years or anything daft like that.
  11. Alright so here's one of the projects I'm working on at the moment (it's a bit academic but hey watcha gonna do) melodic permutations of the circle of fifths here's the first two etudes I've written so far: the goal is really just to develop some more vocabulary for myself something angular, geometric, mathematically elegant... (unfortunately I did this a bit hastily so my guitar's out of tune lol)
  12. That could make sense yeah. Maybe it's not necessary to have a delay at all, for example if you have a single wave lookup table you can just move the pointer backwards just as easily as forwards.Still have no idea how it sounds tho lol. If the signal isnt interpolated, then it will sound like static, in otherwords mega aliasing I never fully understood oversampling. I think I get the jist of it (you have to sample at twice the nyquist frequency to avoid aliasing...?), but I never understood the nuts and bolts of it. Like FM syntesis, it's probably one of the many things I'll never get around to fully understanding.
  13. Y'know, for some reason I'm actually quite optimistic about the future.
  14. Alright, so my recent undertaking is learning Coltrane's solo on "Countdown." I can play it chorus by chorus, but I'm having trouble memorizing it. I have the first chorus memorized but I always forget what's next. I'll post my results as soon as I memorize all 8 choruses.
  15. the beatstep pro can do that too So to confirm - The beatstep pro has 2 separate melodic sequencers, but in one single sequencer you can have it play 2x 8-step sequences - or you have to utilise both of the sequencers controlling the same synth to achieve the effect? oh oh oh i understand now i don't know about that
  16. P.S. I have a theory that Joe Diorio wrote "Freedom Jazz Dance" Joe Diorio was in Eddie Harris' band from 1962 to 1964-ish Eddie Harris never really played quartal stuff like the head of "Freedom Jazz Dance" Joe Diorio, on the other hand, played that way often here is an example of Diorio's quartal in-out playing (with near-identical chromatic side-slipping) (and although this record is pretty recent, he's always played this way): authorship of jazz tunes has always been controversial (especially in cases of leaders taking credit for compositions of sidemen) and I think this is another such case
  17. I like Stanley Jordan, but again I think this is simply a matter of our tastes diverging irreconcilably To my ears, SJ was a dude who found an extremely novel way to play Joe Pass licks Some of the quartal lines he plays are amazing (e.g. 1:38-1:45), I wish all of his playing was like that Again, I like Joe Pass, Tal Farlow and those sorts of players but my ears can only take so much traditional bop vocabulary (again, this is not a judgement...but rather a matter of my own personal taste) I remember discovering Joe Diorio in high school on an early Eddie Harris record and I was floored by how he had taken the bop vocabulary and turned it a bit on its head and I think ever since then I've had a sort of allergic reaction to new players who use straight-up bop language
  18. Got back into hip-hop recently thanks to Madlib he shares my obsession with Brazilian music so that puts him high up for me and his weirdo side projects... (Yesterdays New Quintet, Sound Directions, The Last Electro-Acoustic Space Jazz & Percussion Ensemble, Young Jazz Rebels, R.M.C., Jackson Conti, etc...) ...are all really creative and original and awesome madlib jams are in here: for anyone interested, here's the "Jackson Conti" album great Brazilian jams Madlib collabs with some Brazilian funk drummer from the 70's:
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