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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. (maybe my self-esteem has just been low ever since my face fell of from shooting krokodil into my jugular)
  2. Bah I have no idea how to meet girls anymore. it was so easy back when I drank and did way too much cocaine. I think I just need to start going to shows and clubs again. Any suggestions WATMM?
  3. I'll check it out. 'That guy is wicked smaht' as they say here in New England.
  4. Zoe, you should plaster this thread with all your goodies old and new. (You know, as penance to the synth gods for selling your 101 back in the day )
  5. got a good preset to try? i've tried to get into this (as well as oatmeal) but i was never attracted in particular by any of the preset sounds i've heard. Luckily it's a synthesizer so you can make sounds you like.
  6. Here is lecture #1 in a series of 30ish. Watch them all, seriously. The way he weaves all the stuff together is really amazing.
  7. Shit. Sorry to hear, mate.
  8. jug of moonshine anytime you think to yourself "I'm never watching this fucking show even again" and then you keep watching
  9. All the Sapolsky talk in the parasite thread made me remember this: edit: I know 52 minutes is a bit of a commitment, but watching this dude talk--about anything, really--is a revelation.
  10. The worst part of depression (IMO) is the feeling that it's gonna last forever. That the ice will never thaw and the sun will never breach the clouds. Whenever I'm depressed I try to imagine a future where I'm doing the things I want to do with my life, and that seems to lighten the weight of soul-crushing depression a little bit.
  11. No, It would improve the lives of sociopaths. The rest would suffer greatly.
  12. Well first off, let's make the clear distinction between colloquial 'depression'--you know, the existential shit or the ritual of bad lifestyle habits--and what is called 'clinical depression'--where a person's neurochemical baseline is flawed from the get-go (i.e. where there is a seratonin or dopamine deficiency or whatever confluence of factors it might be). You can't 'get over' clinical depression, in the same way you can't 'get over' sickle-cell anemia. I agree that bipolar's symptoms can be mitigated, but it's not a matter of some triumph of the spirit. You can learn to avoid and cope with stress, you can avoid aggravating factors like caffeine and alcohol and marijuana, you can maintain a healthy diet and sleep schedule, you can stay active and social and productive, but you simply can't 'get over' bipolar with willpower or emotional fortitude or whatever.
  13. If by 'anarchy' you mean community-based living and direct democracy then I would say yes, absolutely.
  14. Oh definitely. We evolved to thrive in a slow-paced environment, walking outside many hours a day (which was an hour or two longer), with a natural diet and a strong communal sense-of-identity. I think that accounts for alot.
  15. Well yeah like I said, the DR-202 probably needs a little help to get cookin'. Wouldn't wanna use it really as-is.
  16. You should post some clips of the synth and the drum machine. I'd imagine the DR-202's synth is similar (in sound at least, maybe not functionality) to the SP-808's synth. (The synth is the one and only thing I miss about the SP-808...controlling the filter with the D-Beam like a sorcerer) But anyway I think it'd be fun making a record with just the DR-202, a poly synth and a sampler.
  17. One thing I do know from hanging out at SP-Forums is that the Dr. Groove seems to make for a good companion for a sampler (especially the similar-looking SP-202). I think it'd be rad to grab little phrases and cobble them together on a sampler, rather than sequencing an entire tune inside the Dr. Groove. Dr. Groove.
  18. I thought the last sequence was gonna be like a trust exercise. If the next episode doesn't prove me right then oh my god fuck this show to death.
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