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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. LimpyLoo


    That guy will never get zen about that shit for the rest of his life. Anytime he runs into money trouble he will be visited by a horrible pang in his stomach.
  2. Honestly I wanted Snake to leave that camp and just go live a quiet life on some lake with his new outlook. Although I'm not severely disappointed with these episodes.
  3. twists her ankle 20 seconds before a chase scene?!? (sorry i'm an epi behind)
  4. ha, my friend Jeremiah finally pulled the trigger on his Dr. Who show:
  5. You know what, I will definitely concede that the last two KW albums were interesting if nothing else.
  6. Started skipping through episodes TBH. The drama is so tedious and contrived that it hurts to watch. edit: gonna keep watching though of course
  7. Biggie , not by much, only really like one track. Is it "Playa Hater"? I bet it is.
  8. Dear Autechre Should I make a record like SP's Hello Everything with live instruments (I'm a jazz musician by training) or should I just stick to an electronic palette?
  9. Do you ever analyze the rhythmic, melodic, harmonic, structural or timbral aspects of other music? What place does tradition have in your music? If you were stuck with nothing but a 909, a 303 and a 101 could you make music you'd be happy with?
  10. What's the worst or most annoying piece of gear you've dealt with.
  11. How do you deal with "writer's block"? (or does your emphasis on 'discovery' render it moot?) What is the point of music? Is it communication? Expression? Surrealist nonsense? Meaningless diversion? All of the above? None of the above? Something else, which I couldn't think of offhand?
  12. say you're listening to a 303 and it might be part of an acid track but for like 20 seconds it sounds like a perspex sheet being hit with a spoon your 101 is now called maca OMFG THANK YOU SEAN THANK YOU
  13. Michel Gondry has been working on it for years, but seems in no big hurry to finish: http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=38113 Whoa I did not know that. Nobody tells me about things like this.
  14. *leans head back and groans as that last line slams my G-spot*
  15. that got addressed on page 10 or 11 I think all I remember is "cats are mental"
  16. You talk about seeing normal things from different angles...can you site an example of this? I'm really curious what this means to you exactly... p.s. thanks so much for naming my MPC! Can you name my sh101 too? (It's grey, of course... )
  17. Do you guys ever name your gear? p.s. can you please please name my MPC4000 for me?
  18. Do you think knowledge of 'process' or 'history' enhances art or is superfluous and beside the point? Also, how much musique concrete (vs. pure gen) is in your process these days?
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