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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. I have that same magnetic pull every time I go to a party. I think it's time to stand up to these people (Duncan Trussell calls them "vampires"). I know this one guy who's a sadistically boring talker. I will say "alright well, I gotta go grab some lunch" and he just ignores me and keeps talking because he's old and lonely. The politeness proviso of the social contract should be suspended for these people. If they're just gonna ignore our feelings, we should all just follow suit. Next time someone talks my ear off, I'm just gonna walk away. Who's with me?
  2. It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun. I had a guy tell me a really boring story today...and then within that story he recounted telling someone else that same story, almost word for word...like some fucking Charlie Kaufman film.
  3. [x-post from stupid first world problems] Finally learned Jaco Pastorus' "Portrait of Tracy" Very pleased with myself oh and also both my hands really hurt
  4. Yeah I love Jaco and Weather Report. My ex-girlfriend gave me a Mexican Jazz Bass 3-4 months ago, so I decided to dive back into JP's catalogue. I also learned "Teen Town," "Havana," "Continuum," and "Dry Cleaner From Des Moines." Jaco's early stuff--every note of it--is genius of the highest order. ...Oh, and also really difficult to play.
  5. I finally learned Jaco Pastorius' "Portrait of Tracy" on bass and now both of my wrists are throbbing in pain That guy was such a motherfucker. Shit.
  6. I hate that guy and I hope everyone he loves dies in a fire
  7. That's basically what he says, that nothing changes really, just your perspective. I don't see any compassion with this guy though and it seems pretty brutal coming to the realisation that it's all a big empty pointless display we have no control over. Fuck that. Yeah, that dude seems like the least enlightened person I've ever encountered. If enlightenment is this horrible dread-inducing thing, you're doing it wrong lol. Enlightenment is kinda supposed to be a blissed-out, light-hearted affair. It's about finding joy in simply being alive, on a moment to moment basis. It has nothing to do with discovering the Horrible Nihilistic Truth of Everything (or if it does, it doesn't entail despairing over it).
  8. What is this guy on about? If enlightenment is scary then you're doing it wrong.
  9. The Comedy - 8/10...great film...a grotesque portrait of the irony generation...amazing how much this film got panned by critics who didn't understand it...prompted me too google 'great films that were initially panned'
  10. Syndrome of a Down (wait did I say that already?) 3 Doors Down Syndrome
  11. i have 12 posts and I don't like the album imo
  12. Aww, Joyboss... that's very kind of you, thank you! xy_politics wins this potatoshop challenge, Aphex Ring and Waferphex Twin are too (quite) good *salutes using photoshop cursor* Hey JR, look overe here....I'm funny too! p.s. congrats JasDon
  13. great album (aka A++ would wait 13 years again)
  14. Good day (night, really) to be alive. BTW... remember when the BoC album came out and WATMM was flooded with members-with-10-posts complaining about the album? yeah, that was really obnoxious hope that doesn't happen this time around
  15. This is the probably best video I've seen this year (sorry if it's jazz...too lazy to go back through and see if it's been posted)
  16. Shit that looks awesome And it looks like it sounds awesome too
  17. Oh man I love that movie...8.5-9/10 (though I wouldn't expect everyone to feel that way) Elysium - I can't believe this movie got made. The script was so brain-dead and full of holes. Terrible. 2/10
  18. The Shaggs were the dawn of my musical awakening. In high school a teacher brought it in to make fun of it with the kids. I thought it was amazing.
  19. i was just joking, MC, jeesh. *continues watching MTV*
  20. I just picture either Sarah McLachlan's "I Will Remember You" or Green Day's "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" playing over literally everything.
  21. dream demons literally fuck like dream demons tho Yup. Hard to contend with Tantric Satan and his demon semen.
  22. Proxy brag: Sporadically over the last couple weeks my girlfriend has been having sex dreams and getting woken up on account of she was literally having an orgasm. *makes joke about how I'm literally worse in bed than no-one at all*
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