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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy? Liked it a lot Cute and sad, really
  2. LimpyLoo


    holy shit it's at 1230ish
  3. guys it's like criticizing the physics in cartoons i stopped looking for realism a long time ago
  4. I've mostly just had variations of the same heart-breaking dream over and over for about 10 years.
  5. LimpyLoo


    Sell your Machinedrum on eBay and then buy during the next crash. IMO
  6. LimpyLoo


    is 1000 HI or LO? wat do? It's LO compared to numbers higher than 1000 so buy obv
  7. LimpyLoo


    bam, just surpassed $1000
  8. LimpyLoo


  9. LimpyLoo


    holy shit looks like it's gonna surpass 1000 on its way back up
  10. LimpyLoo


    shit it's climbing back up
  11. LimpyLoo


    http://bitcointicker.co/ OOF
  12. LimpyLoo


  13. Oh my god he's just a really dumb person that thinks fashion is gonna save the world So out of touch and useless
  14. Pitchfork #1 album of the year Wtf Miley Cyrus is poised to get Time's person of the year What a worthless culture
  15. LimpyLoo


    Oh man I just looked at the first page of this thread and it hurt. Granted, no-one is psychic.
  16. LimpyLoo


    Bitcoin is awesome and it gives me an anarchist boner.
  17. LimpyLoo


    man i justed posted in your TPP thread get with the times homie
  18. LimpyLoo


    right but do you mean going back to a barter-kinda system where you bypass the actual currency and just trade the valuable thing itself? I mean, you can't really go into a store and grab a bag of groceries and then give the guy 3 hours worth of labor right there. Or take 5 pigs with you everytime you go to the market. Currency in that case would be very useful as a sort of IOU (which was its original purpose I suppose).
  19. LimpyLoo


    . So essentially currency should be backed by something that is objectively useful like labor? Yeah that would be a better system (I think).
  20. LimpyLoo


    Notice how I had the "based on gold" in "quotations." That was the idea originally, which makes sense. Bitcoin makes no sense, or rather it is the perfect expression of how the things global culture values highest are absolutely worthless. We aren't all good because it says something that we allow currency to degenerate into an even more worthless form. The meaning is all gone. All of the actual substantive labor has been boxed and boxed within shadows of shadows. There is transcendent meaning in interfacing with real molecules. Slowly global culture is losing meaning. Look in your backyard, if you are lucky enough to have one. Do you have any idea what it is for? I know these things because I lived in a forest. even though that is some beautiful poetry and one of my body parts definitely just shed a tear as long as there is consensus/faith/[insert third word here] then we all good bro look, the gold standard was literally based on the same principle that fiat currency is based on "you can trade this money in for gold" gold? why is that valuable? gold would be worthless in a post-scarcity economy people might possibly value it if they thought that civilization would sooner or later be restored beyond that it is literally just a hunk of pretty shit that is functionally useless
  21. LimpyLoo


    oh hey thanks mate Chopperman's got mad flow (like a river...that didn't invest in Bitcoin when it had the chance)
  22. LimpyLoo


    1) Money is no longer "based on gold" 2) as long as people continue to accept (in both senses) fiat currency then we're all good.
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