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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. This is the ATP/Minehead track My question regarding this and metz tracks.. how the HELL does rdj get such liquid, plasticy, smooth, yet still cutting, agressive and super dynamic sounds? it's like everything's floating in a pool of perfect reverb/delay, yet it's it not cuz it's perfectly sharp and defined.. it's like fucking 10 dimensional. windowlicker and flim was the same way, but this ATP and Metz and his other newer stuff is like even more high resolution sounding.. ive heard this similar effect on his rdj album.. ive also heard this type of quality/richness in a number of commercial releases, but not to the affect of how aphex pulls it off.. anyway, i always wondered how he gets those bubbly tones.. is that something to do with it? do you guys think it's more in the production/production tools/programming, or more in the mixing/gear ? or both? like half half?? I'm sure that having amazing gear contributes significantly. That and half a lifetime of experience. Eh, I hate to vomit this stale old nugget but...it's not the gear.
  2. Good beat *fapfapfap* Sweet b'jesus Where did that fucking picture come from? It's like the visual equivelant of a bloodfart
  3. or the idea that it's meant to connect with a 'top half' second LP Any chance that the eyes in that photo are, in fact, the top half second LP? I mean, are we sure it's a real person?
  4. I would love to hear RDJ make hip-hop....maybe, just maybe...
  5. Nah. We're both different people now, so...you know how it goes.
  6. A month ago my long-ago-ex-girlfriend gave me her Jazz Bass because she's moving to China. I finally just got around to finding an allen wrench and fixing the action. Plays like a dream now.
  7. Oh, I'll give you a 'poll'... [NSFW]
  8. I'm gonna star reading Delet's posts in an Australian accent in my head
  9. Buzzo has been getting really good at talking smack in the last few years. And down on anyone who takes drugs. I fucking love the Melvins but I'm a bit put-off by Buzzo sometimes. after watching this video I started to suspect that he just likes to talk for the sake of talking: "...I like listening to Zeppelin but I have no interest in putting it into my own guitar playing... ...I'm more along the lines of Jimi Hendrix mixed with John Spencer, you know... ...or Pussy Galore crossed with Led Zeppelin..." LOL But yeah, anyway...love the Melvins. And Buzzo does bring the wisdom from time to time.
  10. Duncan Trussell talking to his dying mother...this unclogged my emotional plumbing
  11. I swear to god listening to Duncan Trussell has cured my depression and anxiety. Everything that seemed so heavy and daunting, now seems lighter than the breeze. I feel firmly grounded in the moment, I feel ten foot tall, I like myself, I feel connected to the world and the people around me... Yeah.
  12. Please dispose of in solid waste container instead. Pharmaceuticals in the water supply is a problem. Lethargic fish and heavy-lidded toads everywhere. Metaphorically, of course. Only floss, cigarettes and tampons should be discarded in the toilet.
  13. Flush your klonapin down the toilet, address your fears, and be free. I'll keep my klonapin around for once-a-month panic attacks, but really it's just standing between a person and their enlightenment. Why is it the Piraha people are so happy and un-neurotic (despite the many perils of their world) and white Americans are so neurotic and prone to suicide (despite the relative comfort of their situation)? It's because the Piraha people feel like they can deal with anything. Disease, death, hunger. We, on the other hand, are too soft. We are daunted by minutia. And We can't even think about death without freaking out.
  14. oh man congrats I love that thing the flute preset is a great starting point for leads
  15. i've heard that it's very easy to extract. look up lazyman's tek if you want more details. i trust you'll use the information for purely educational purposes, ofc. oh, of course
  16. (the mindfulness exercises start at 29:30 in the full vid and 8:40 in the second one)
  17. Athough I was exposed to these ideas since I was in high school, for some reason this lecture really changed my life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwofsBniYMg and here's the ambient new-agey hippy-dippy chill-out version:
  18. Do you have like a neurotic inner monologue constantly running? Like, are you constantly thinking about stuff or do you have more of a general feeling of anxiety? Mindful meditation seems to really helpful for alot of people (including me). Essentially just sit down somewhere quiet and take slow deep breaths and focus on your breathing and try to slow your mind and let go of everything that's nagging you. And the worst part about anxiety is overblown feelings of guilt or shame (often for no reason). I think the best thing to be done for that is to just think 'I'm not perfect but I choose to love myself and all my imperfections and I'll try to do my best in the future.' It's also possible you have anxiety about life stuff (like bills or death or a boss or a landlord) in which case you'll have to jujitsu your way out of that stuff intellectually and practically. My shrink told me a couple days ago that anti-depressants are the first go-to meds for anxiety (he said this because I've been prescribed benzos for anxiety for quite some time). More and more I'm convinced that most anxiety--if not all--can be alleviated without meds. Xanax and Klonapin are good for episodic things like panic attacks, but l don't think it's ideal to take them regularly to address generalized anxiety.
  19. Kinda wanna try DMT but have no idea where to find it.
  20. I keep forgetting and relearning this lesson over and over. I feel like total shit when I don't walk around and climb some stairs and suck in some air and sunlight and generally just move around. Another thing I'm relearning is just basic mindfulness. Just taking deep breaths and focusing on my breathing and trying to ground myself in the present moment. Having been plagued with on-and-off depression since high school, I'm finally just now learning that--while I may not have any control over the onset of depression--there is a lot one can do to not feed it. And i do think that a big part of depression is the vicious cycle of getting depressed and then doing things that feed depression, like staying inside, eating like shit, etc Pattern-breaking and finding some novel stimulation are great ways to get the neurotransmitters going again. When I'm depressed I try to push against it by doing uncomfortable things (although often I fail).
  21. what's your beef with paxil?
  22. Do what needs to be done (of course) but my my old childhood cat lived for a long time with really bad kidney problems. Just requires a few lifestyle tweeks (diet and meds).
  23. I love the one about the dirty cop and the newer one with the original chick and the car crash
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