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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. I wish you luck limperz What's your D.O.C? If you don't mind me asking that is. Hey thanks, mate. Opiates. It's funny, I'm not a party type. Opiates are the only drug I've touched in years. And for a long time it did a really good job of chilling out my bipolar. But lately they just make me feel numb and depressed. Time to quit*. *But if there comes a time in the future where it appears I'm under-medicated, I will 100% choose opiates over upping my dosage of Seroquel and suffering those side-effects...blech
  2. Looks like it's time to kick my drug habit. Wish me luck, WATMM.
  3. Rbrmyofr, you should post some demos/choons of all that beautiful gear.
  4. yeah you've got to cheese-grate 2 grams worth of genital skin into a USB port while you recite the lyrics to "Milk Man" in that weird satanic-ritual monotone
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7agl-sNLXMI#t=23
  6. "He really does eat, drink and breath staring"
  7. Is that an OP-1? How is that thing? Always wondered about it...
  8. Beatlejuice - 10/10...I find it bizarre how this movie seemed totally normal to me when i was like 12.
  9. A hard-hitting Louis Theroux exposé about why everybody's farts smell different.
  10. ha thanks guys *googles "how to have a picnic"* *then googles "how to initiate public sex when you look like a giant mosquito"*
  11. There Will Be Mucus A man battles a nagging cold during the California oil boom, alone in his house, for 3 hours.
  12. not a picture per se but I'm sure this is welcome here:
  13. Cute girl I've been trying to chat up asked me if I wanted to have a picnic.
  14. Yeah I love Hellraiser so much. I enjoy every single one of them right up until the remake, which I refuse to watch.
  15. Oh man when I was eighteen or nineteen I watched Hellraiser 1-3 in one sitting I was seriously fucked up for like 3 days* *or 12 years, depending on who you ask
  16. sexy joint you got there
  17. I'm too depressed to do anything. I can't make music or work or hang out with friends. I feel like a fucking alien.
  18. Til Asshole-Mouth Do Us Part A man wakes up on the morning of his wedding day to find that his mouth is now an asshole. Over the course of 2 hours he learns what's really important in life, and that true love is blind...unless of course you have an asshole instead of a mouth! Starring: Keifer Sutherland and Jennifer Aniston Written and Directed by: Spike Lee
  19. welp, it made me laugh. then you made me feel like a dummy by shitting over your idea at the end. ARE YOU CALLING ME A IDIOT?? I got the idea at 5 in the morning. I thought it was funny (honestly, I'd be embarrassed to say how long I thought about it and giggled) but I couldn't tell if that was just because it was 5am or what, so I hedged my bets by writing a self-deprecating remark. And no, I think you're an intelligent and delightful human being.
  20. eh, sorry for killing the thread *posts delet-esque stage direction demonstrating my feelings about the situation*
  21. Ooh, and James Franco can play the lobotomized guy who works in the coal mine. And it turns out at the end that the mine was actually the head of a giant alien that they were performing a lobotomy on. written and directed by Charlie Kaufman
  22. Hustle & Flow 2: Grandma-ster Flash Frank (Kelsey Grammar) is a neurotic, recently-divorced, deep-in-debt man who one day encounters a quirky scientist (Jeff Goldblum). After watching a marathon of old reality shows they hatch a get-rich-quick time-travel scheme to send Frank back to the year 2004 where he'll dress up like an old lady and rap on talent shows. However, Frank soon develops a deep passion for being a rapping grandma and decides to stay in 2004, leaving his old life behind. Or something. I don't know,. I'm really tired.
  23. Oh man, congrats! That's prolly my favorite sampler of all time. I think of it like a poor man's SP-1200 (no relation) because of how good the lo-fi setting is and how easy it is to mix on it using the isolator and vinyl sim. Like, on the 1200 all you have to do to mix your tune is put your samples on the correct channels and the filters will do all the mixing for you, and on the 303 you just put the vinyl sim on the whole thing and it mixes it for you, like it pulls the snare up and glues everything together perfectly. I've only encountered a couple pieces of gear like that that have a 'magic button.' Also, I have an SP-303 shirt that is my favorite piece of clothing of all time. Lol, found you on the SP forums. It seems like you know what your doing, might message you if I come across any problems Yeah man, whenever. I'm always down for SP-related chat.
  24. Yeah totally. And I like extremely limited gear that only does one thing but it always sounds good. I feel that way about the SH-101. And I have this modded dbx 163x compressor with nothing but a volume knob and a slider (for the 'threshold') and it's like impossible to make it sound bad. I feel like I have the opposite fetish of most people, where I drastically prefer gear that is idiotically limited.
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