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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by pcock

  1. i have no idea, im back from my family holiday on the 24th and going to try it down at the restaurant on the 25th so il get back to you. its been getting belter reviews from glasgow burger bloggers anyway.
  2. does anyone else feel like this is maybe the least amusing year that has happened on the internet? im not just ripping this fucking atrocious thread, i just mean generally. plenty of good comedy has had me in stitches, bill burr, jim jeffries, good programs, rick and morty, bobs burgers, but memes just arent even attempting to be funny any more. am i just getting old? i mean take ''13:19" dad 'fuck me i can see why you smoke this stuff' who could possibly read that and laugh? its incredulous. its literally not a joke. it doesnt even try to be one. is that possibly what im missing? im drunk as fuck and im starting to actually wonder if if im just getting long con trolled.
  3. the head chef from the burger bar i was working in until 2 months ago just released this. the mad mac. he spent about 2 weeks perfecting the flavours and replicating the sauce and glaze. a big mac, but made with handmade burger meat and fresh ingredients. the mad mac. its pretty incredible.
  4. So the last guardian came out and didnt even realise? Anyone played it?
  5. The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is. Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along. I'm really not interested in whether or not people support trump. It's just the distortion of facts and self serving cherry picking to support personal ideologies, whether left or right, which is mindboggingly annoying. im not really sure why people keep berating me for not attempting to reason with and actually debate a person so fantastically stupid or cunty that they would vote for donald trump(or ukip)
  6. just picked up a Blofeld for 180 quid. reviews say its glassy and pristine sounding, quite looking forward to it.
  7. i dont really see how it can continue to be in a park now. it has to move outside as far as i can see. i mean, if you have an ai rebellion in an enclosed park... bomb them. done.
  8. i actually love ice cold lagers and despise strong tasting, hoppy, craft beers, wheat beers, stouts etc.
  9. i have more options for crazy filters now im onto eurorack, the mannequins three sisters is meant to be great fun. the sherman always just looked brutal though, speaker ripping shit.
  10. ive always wanted a sherman filterbank.
  11. the only human was arnold, ford is just a host with his intelligence and socipathy turned up to 20 who killed arnold and took over.
  12. Does it even have a filter?It's got a few, I thinkBut yeah, the reason I like it so much is because it gives you a bunch of different ways to manipulate overtones: Both the 'east coast' and 'west coast' styles of dealing with overtones (Hence "no coast") they really should have called it the Makenoise FLY-OVER Yeah honestly I don't even know (nor did Nick from SonicState) how the "0-coast" is supposed to be pronounced...No-coast? Zero-coast? ''In practice however, there's one foundational East Coast element that feels conspicuously absent: a filter. But that's not to say there aren't ways of taming the frequency content of the signal generated by the 0-COAST.''
  13. Iv got the eventide space and its beautiful. Would love to add a harmoniser
  14. im thinking of selling my prophet 08 and scraping up the extra cash for a pro2. it looks sensual, and we have a prophet 06 and an oB6 in the studio so it would complete the DSI fanboi club.
  15. sometimes a week off is exactly what a technical difficulty problem needs, for me. you come back with a clearer mental palette, and can tackle the problem with a fresh viewpoint.
  16. i can not play the piano for a week sometimes and you lose nothing. once the correct technique is ingrained into your subconscious, it doesnt go anywhere. for me, its the intensity of practice you do, and not the time spent, that increases the speed with which you improve, for example daisy chain practicing a piece is without a shadow of a doubt the quickest way to commit it to memory, but its fucking dull. you play/concentrate on 2 bar segments of something for 5 minutes each, until they are either perfect, or the 5 mins runs out. assuming the piece is 120 bars or so, you can get through the piece in about 4-5 hours. if you repeat the process every day for a week, its possible to perfect some pretty fucking hard shit in that time, however, you want to kill yourself and never play again. i used this technique to learn this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCkM2a4daZU in 8 days for an exam, and although i havent played it once in a year, i can still sit down and hit it just fine.
  17. do you guys not get fed up of argueing about this shit online? has anyone changed anyones base opinion of anything in the last 10 pages?
  18. this is fucking hilarious. the last few years have also disproven to me my youthful idea that people are largely good rather than bad. with the tories getting a second term and trump in power, i no longer believe that to be true.
  19. you almost certainly are. i assume you've already figured out how to get girls to take a dump on your chest however.
  20. sounded more utopian than dystopian with the description of humans outside the park as plump and pampered, wanting of nothing but a sense of purpose.
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