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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Scaramouche

  1. Moskitoo: Both of the albums on 12k are great - still an insta buy label for me - I listen to Drape fairly regularly. I was hoping that when Nunc dropped it was signalling another album, but we've only had the Minamo collab. Kenny Larkin: I need to properly check out the Dark Comedy albums, good reminder. _____
  2. I'd have liked the hb, but I must say, the pb is put together quite nicely.
  3. Pretty good. It's pretty, pretty, pretty good. Never heard of them. Purchased. Great album. I've been listening to Snd a lot these past few weeks. It would be nice to get another Snd album. Strong speechiness levels for this track.
  4. Excellent final album from the late Philip Jack, in collaboration with Chris Watson. Dropped today. Nice little write up by the Quietus: https://thequietus.com/articles/33043-philip-jeck-chris-watson-oxmardyke-review
  5. Late to the party on this, it was recommended by a friend recently. Stunning album, one of the stand outs so far this year.
  6. DJ If you are looking for an image, it was probably deleted DJ Will BOC Release A New Album?
  7. Coming soon, not up on Bandcamp yet: https://weregoingdeep.bandcamp.com Really liking the Remote_ and Suddi Raval tracks. https://www.juno.co.uk/products/remote-steven-simpson-js-zeiter-suddi-volume-9-vinyl/941096-01/
  8. My word, those packages, along with the 'surging' price aspect, are insane. For £50 a ticket I'd usually be expecting back scratches and other refinements, not sure what my expectations would be at this level.
  9. Performance of Ultrasonics at the Barbican on Wed 8 Nov 2023. https://www.barbican.org.uk/whats-on/2023/event/ryoji-ikeda-presents-ultratronics
  10. New album from mHz dropped on the 5th of May. Press release mentions similarities too early Reich and Glass's Music in 12 Parts. To borrow a phrase, sounds to my ears like Music for 18 Musicians period Steve Reich meeting Snd in an elevator. @logakght think this might be up your street.
  11. Great night. A Forest and The Sheltering Sky were the highlights.
  12. Still tickets left or is London a ways off? Looks like they pushed the start time back to 20:00. Duration is 75 minutes with no interval. Aye, just a handful of dates:
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