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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Scaramouche

  1. I did a quick watch over lunch. My review for the series: Dumas when challenged about his treatment of history said "True, I have raped history, but it has produced some beautiful offspring" I think J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay will have to say they "A Serbian Film'd Tolkien's Middle Earth" I'd be interested in your thoughts on ep 8's revelations.
  2. sound and clarity was great - I love the Barbican - being seated for Ae felt odd to me. I'd have save through a 3rd set.
  3. Excellent, very much looking forward to a Ryoji Ikeda Christmas album.
  4. Label boss collaboration with Arovane, coming 4th of November.
  5. I took my phone out 5 times, max 37 times to text. very important texts I hasten to add.
  6. ^yeah, I heard some random claps throughout set the 2nd. I felt constrained by the venue, I love the Barbican, happy to have my brain melted by say a Ryoji Ikea gig, but I wanted to move, especially with the 2nd set. Could have been the change in seating position, felt like more bodies moving about, noticed the torches and some people exiting. I hope they release both set from tonight. Sean pls.
  7. Yeah, I thought I heard Dial too. The hip hop section with the scratching and when the beat settled.
  8. Yeah, did both. Changed seats for the second show. Really enjoyed it, though intense, glad I didn't bail on the second show due to tiredness. It felt different, mid way from the second of the second set to the end, fucking amazing. Not sure the Barbican is the right venue though, no atmosphere, though there was some whooping and a lot of clapping towards the end of the 2nd set.
  9. Probably my fave out of the Soma releases. Would add to my "go-to fall albums" list, this will be perfect for evening walks. Strangers
  10. The 16:00 mark, giving me EP7/Left Blank vibes (mid part of track, around 3:40)
  11. I think RoP is terrible, but the chap playing Adar, and the character, has the most potential of the show. More focus on Adar would be welcome, it could have made a good series on it's own - based on what they seem to be hinting at with his backstory, view of Sauron and his relationships with the orcs - without the need for a grand plot with the creation of the rings blah blah blah. While I have a massive crush on Morfydd Clark, Galadriel is written poorly, it's really hard for me to not detest the character. Even if the show runners are going to have her arc run the course from brash emotional hot head, to the lady Galadriel in the books/films, the character is a maniac. She crossed the line in ep6, and is "borderline fascist evil". Wouldn't be surprised to see her teaching the Númenoreans how to goose step in ep 7. Reminds me what the show runners did to Captain Janeway in Voyager, they made her seem utterly insane by the end of the series. Though the signs were there with her murder of Tuvix in season 2. #justice4tuvix I'm not a Tolkien mega fan, it's an adaptation, so I am not upset or let down by my reaction, or the quality of the show. You sound like you've enjoyed it.
  12. I can only watch RoP on fast forward. I managed to cut down ep 6 to around 15 minutes of viewing time today. Never has there been a show with such egregious use of slow motion, even when skipping. EP6 Highlights: No Elrond or the dwarven geezer, and Adar's St Crispin's Day speech.
  13. I was at the Brixton gig in June. One of the best concerts I've been too. First time seeing them live, and well worth the wait. Brixton setlist leaned towards TDS period; Manchester the previous night had a lot of Fragile. Loved hearing The Perfect Drug live, had my fingers crossed, but was still surprised. Awesome evening, can't wait to to hear them live again. IMG_9507.MOV
  14. Yes, overdue an OM session. Good reminder. The new Lawrence English arrived today. Excellent.
  15. I've been really impressed with every track on Digging Remedy, had to pause on Held for a work call, will listen to Polymer next. Probably an interesting thread to be made on music, mood and memory formation, and impact of depression. If it doesn't already exist here. This is worth digging into (sorry for going off topic) on the restorative effects of music for dementia patients.
  16. v.nice first track. This has also reminded me that I never picked up Polymer or The Digging Remedy. Listening to The Digging Remedy now, with Polymer to follow shortly, this is both shocking and odd state of affairs. I'll put it down to crippling depression around the Polymer release, and probably again for The Digging Remedy. Really enjoying The Digging Remedy.
  17. The Online Safety Bill and the PCSC Act both came into effect this year. Guessing you're referencing the former, but that's just on electronic comms, and makes the UK THE SAFEST PLACE TO BE ONLINE in the world. The latter does restrict freedoms of assembly and protest. The UK is pretty bum on this topic. The two people in the links look pretty annoying, so my usual dismay on this topic is somewhat reduced.
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