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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. Fuck the Finnish government to the deepest hell. Cuts for low-income workers, students, the unemployed and low-income families. Does nothing to increase taxes on capital gains, no cuts on the military billion euro weapons acquisitions or any interest to curtail tax avoidance to tax havens. Because cutting the most vulnerable group of people and the middle-class is sure to get that economy going. Brilliant!



    Jesus that KKK sign in support of trump. I know you can't choose your supporters but fuuuuck.

    i think it's more hilarious he was the most popular republican candidate amongst hispanic voters. the guy that wants to build a wall to keep out hispanics, is most popular with them.


    Hispanic voters for the republican party?? That's gotta be a small number of people.


    Hispanics are usually conservative in their social values and the GOP are usually closer to their values in that sense. But the overt racism might make them re-think it.




    I've noticed at some point I get tired of the tripping and hoping it would end, but then when it wears off I want it to come back...

    what audioblysk said is good also.


    Close your eye and think about your most beloved person. concentrate on the feeling of love you feel toward that person. feel it in the middle of your chest and try to solely put your attention to that feeling of warmth.


    I personally find breathing meditation in the mist of a bad trip impossible, but focussing on love toward another being is possible.


    never really had a bad trip. just that my brain wants to take a rest from all the hyperactivity of the trip.


    Talking about voting; I hope the Brits vote for the Brexit! Please leave the EU!

    Lol the death knell of England.


    The death knell of the whole EU project. It's dysfunctional as is. There is no European solidarity, every member state is only looking after their own interests, except maybe Finland who obediently follows every directive like it's law and even footing the bill for other nations who can't be bothered to pay their dues. Nice idea on paper but in practice it's just a huge bureaucratic dinosaur woefully inept at adapting to the changing trends of the globalized world. The worry is that if/when the EU is dissolved whatever replaces it would be even worse, considering the general worship of Mammon so prevalent today.

  5. These employers that want applicants to do a prerecorded video interview need to fuck off.

    Will they supply the necessary gear to do one? Not everyone has a fancy smartphone and I am sure the videos made on some crap video with shit sound quality aren't even considered. Fuck that.


    These employers that want applicants to do a prerecorded video interview need to fuck off.

    Sounds ghey. Is it just me or are employers in general imposing more and more absurd application requirements?


    Not sure if I'm better off staying at my current job or pursuing a new one on account of dealing with this kind of bullshit. (C & P's text onto overused narrow-eyed Fry from Futurama meme)


    Employers want 22 year old college grads that already have 10 year experience in the relevant field. What's absurd with that?

  6. Would probably not vote. Voting would implicitly mean supporting the current system. Or then vote Trump and hope for a quick race to the bottom where hopefully more people realize that the current system just doesn't work and actually start actively demanding for change that is not just tweets and facebook likes every 4 years.


    lol, my place would likely be totally obscured by it before i bothered to do anything about it. I don't like how the state said that it's not considered a fire hazard though, this is clearly wrong, it's light, there's piles of it, and it's probably tinder dry in the summer heat, one spark and the whole street would be alight. Maybe for only a few seconds though, perhaps that's what they're thinking, haha.


    Why don't you find out if it's a fire hazard or not instead of swallowing what the mainstream media says about it. Fight the man!

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