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Posts posted by azatoth






    Got "dumped" (complicated relationship thingamajig) because of being a "nice guy". Ugh.

    come on man, just be an asshole


    I don't want to be and it's not my nature.


    i don't understand this concept. why would someone dump you for being nice?


    She is suffering from depression. Didn't want to be someone "saved" because she doesn't think she can be saved, which she interpreted my niceness to be. I was just being like I would be with anyone else. But whatever. Hope she finds whatever she is looking for, not sure if she even knows herself what it is. I got my own issues to deal with it. Maybe this relationship thing is just not something for me.



    urgh, i hate how the karpman triangle so often comes into these situations. it's sad that she's not well enough to be with some who cares about her.


    the fact that she seems to want herself to be saved (or why would she mention it) but won't allow it for self esteem reasons is not a good sign.


    if my mum was here she'd suggest CBT and just staying in touch at a distance to check she's ok. in the meantime, just live your life.


    how old is she if you don't mind me asking? some women go through some intense hormonal changes during life.



    She is 37 and has been battling with severe depression since she was a young teenager. Been on different medications and I guess some therapy too. But nothing seems to work. Has two kids, which is probably the only reason she hasn't committed suicide. Probably a mistake I was involved with her in the first place, wasn't anything exclusive either. I'll just turn the page and move on and for once worry about myself and getting myself in order to be a more wholesome person. Had some good times, but also a streak of sorrow overshadowed as her mom passed away when I was seeing her. The Karpman triangle seems apt, only it seems it was just two victims involved.






    Got "dumped" (complicated relationship thingamajig) because of being a "nice guy". Ugh.

    come on man, just be an asshole


    I don't want to be and it's not my nature.


    i don't understand this concept. why would someone dump you for being nice?


    She is suffering from depression. Didn't want to be someone "saved" because she doesn't think she can be saved, which she interpreted my niceness to be. I was just being like I would be with anyone else. But whatever. Hope she finds whatever she is looking for, not sure if she even knows herself what it is. I got my own issues to deal with it. Maybe this relationship thing is just not something for me.




    tl;dr who cares sounds like shit.


    I believe the simple answer is^




    (no seriously there is no 'answer' so ignore advice just try again, it's roulette. you'll get green eventually just keep sticking $500 euro notes on it. xxxxx love xxxxx



    Yeah. I am just rubbish at roulette.

  3. [




    Got "dumped" (complicated relationship thingamajig) because of being a "nice guy". Ugh.

    come on man, just be an asshole


    I don't want to be and it's not my nature.


    i don't understand this concept. why would someone dump you for being nice?


    She is suffering from depression. Didn't want to be someone "saved" because she doesn't think she can be saved, which she interpreted my niceness to be. I was just being like I would be with anyone else. But whatever. Hope she finds whatever she is looking for, not sure if she even knows herself what it is. I got my own issues to deal with it. Maybe this relationship thing is just not something for me.

  4. Age of Ultron is so weird/bad in retrospect. I'm not even really a big fan of any of the marvel movies but it's pretty obvious Joss Whedon gave zero fucks when trying to attach Age of ultron to the vibe of any of the characters post-Avengers 1. Captain america especially seems like a caricature, almost every joke falls completely flat. The best parts of the movie were the dream sequences from scarlett witch.


    The Avengers movies are really bad. They are totally uninteresting, nothing redeeming about them at all. Joss Whedon is a hack and can't direct for shit.


    Bob Dobalina, on 05 Oct 2015 - 1:07 PM, said:

    Rubin Farr, on 03 Oct 2015 - 3:20 PM, said:

    Just saw my first hover board, a jackass hipster riding thru Walmart in Austin, on his iPhone. Yeah he crashed into a family bc he wasn't watching where the fuck he was going, FLOL

    Hoverboards don't exist Rubes. You talking about one of those rudderless segway dealios?


    Yes, they are branded as hoverboards but it's like a mini Segway. And yes, Lexus has developed a real hoverboard that uses liquid nitrogen:






    That Lexus thing is just a gimmick for an ad. Sure, it hovers, but only where there are magnetic tracks underneath it.

  6. Finished watching The Knick. Very enjoyable. Good cinematography, good acting and the choice to use an electronic soundtrack for a period drama was a good one. Cliff Martinez is one of my favourite soundtrack composers, his soundtracks always stand out for me in a good way. Although having a drug-addled brilliant doctor is somewhat of a cliché (I know that Thack is partly inspired by an actual coke addicted medical pioneer), it can be forgiven as it somehow works in the setting of the show.

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