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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. Hannu Rajaniemi - The Quantum Thief


    Need to read it again. I feel like it might work differently than the first time, which I really liked. But first need to finish a re-read of Schismatrix.

  2. not sure if i understand you correctly, but your skepticism is fed by the idea that things can change quickly? or that quick action is possible, regardless of what the action(s) should be?


    the most difficult thing is figuring out what to do (without creating new problems), and yes that could take years. and there could be plenty reasons for that, which i assumed would be trivial to imagine. some justified (international coordination takes time), some less so (fossil fuel/coal industry hijacking political discourse fucking things up).


    in the case of the pharm industry: with things getting more transparent, their wiggle room will get smaller and smaller. and when i say pharm. industry, i actually mean the banking and the pharm. industry combined. because the two a very intertwined (consider all the mergers and acquisitions).


    i haven't read the report, but my bet is that banks have a huge influence on drug pricing. whenever pharm. companies need to buy their new innovative drugs by buying the innovators, the banks jump in to help and play investor. and because of this dependency, theres also a certain amount of power for the banks. or in other words: tackling this problem will be a bit more complex than one would think, given the way the industry is currently organised.


    Great that you think that things can change for the better, but I just don't share your optimism. I am a pessimist.

  3. It's more that things change very slowly, even when there are cut and dry facts on the table that point to glaring problems, even those problems that would need quick action (such as climate change). And that pharmaceutical companies are price gouging and doing other shady stuff is hardly news. Sure, now there is proper material showing that, but I am skeptical that there will be much action to change that.

  4. Finished watching the second season of The Knick. Brilliant. It's too bad Soderbergh isn't coming back for the next season, which I guess is still somewhat up in the air.

    And Thackery is dead according to this. It seems the name of the series wasn't about the hospital, but about a (k)nick.


  5. I lol at Salem also but I recently heard this and it's kind of alright.




    they totally can't pull anything off live though. there's a video of them performing Trapdoor live and at one point the other guy, the non-rapper guy, tries to signal the sound guys when he realises that there's no way he can pitch the rapper's voice low like that on the fly, like he thinks the sound guys can do something about it. they're not competent enough to play live. (but then again neither are some other artists we like more, like a certain semi-anonymous/not-really anonymous 2step producer from Sarf Lunnon).

    I heard that song when watching Beyond the Pines and checked out the album which it came from. I dunno what to think. It's sort of alright and sort of not. And it's brickwalled to fuck. Gave me ear fatigue. And some of the tracks reminded me of a brighter sounding Shxcxchcxsh from their latest album, Linear S Decoded. Shxcxchcxsh is much more superior.

  6. I'm legitimately confused on how someone hasn't attempted an assassination on him yet for all of this ridiculousness.


    I'm not suggesting it, I'm just surprised someone hasn't tried that's all.


    Why you surprised? There have been no attempts on Obama's life either and he's a secret muslim communazi according to some wingnuts that could actually think of doing it.

  7. Talking about consciousness is tricky. There are no satisfactory definitions on consciousness. If you count an organisms ability to adapt to outside stimuli, then everything from plants to humans have consciousness. There is also a tendency for humans to anthropomorphise animal behaviour.

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