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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. I've been reading Ulysses for nearly a week now and I am on page 48, out of 732 pages. This is way more than what I was prepared for, and I love it.


    Read it once, but might need to re-visit again. I liked it, but I am sure a lot went over my head. Didn't find it too difficult. It's a pretty banal story in the end. Or then I'll read some other work byy Joyce. Like Finnegan's Wake.

  2. Just out of curiosity: socialism a political philosophy, right? Like conservatism and liberalism. And capitalism not so much, right? Could be me, but capitalism in itself is a-political and a-moral. Right? There's no "socialism is the opposite of capitalism", right? Or am I missing something.


    Capitalism might be apolitical and amoral and just an economic system, but it's still comes with a lot of ideological baggage in modern discourse. However I don't think any economic system can be viewed without ideology. There are consequences to what kind of economic system is implemented and used, which are ethical and political in nature.

  3. Yeah, well, in the first world we don't have to fight to survive (yet), so there is time to think about the flaws of capitalism.


    Now, I am skeptical of capitalism, but I don't know what the alternative is that would be better. And anything else would be better since capitalism is a dead end and unsustainable. I lean left, but doubt full on socialism is the answer either. Although don't think that socialism has been tried yet in such an extent that capitalism has. I don't count the totalitarian regimes of the Soviet and the likes. There are models of mixed economies which are alright, I guess, but with globalisation, I don't see how a Nordic welfare state model could work in today's world.


    It's hard to re-think something outside of the established constructs on how economy, labour etc should work.


    Maybe I am naive or misinformed, but shouldn't the economic policies be done is such a way that it's beneficial to people and the environment and not in such a way where it's seen what the people and the environment can do for the benefit of the economy.What I am saying is that the financial sector has become an out of control beast which dictates all other policies for its benefit. No matter the cost. Just as long as the profit margins are good enough for the financiers and bankers, who just speculate on numbers on a computer screen, with very little connection to the real economy, but it's somehow super important for the well-being of everyone. At least that's what we are being told.


    The second season of Fargo is brilliant. Better than the first. Take note Pizzolatto.


    It's well good. Helluva show. Not ready to say better than the first season yet. There was some ridiculously good stuff in the latter episodes of S1. But, with 5 more episodes left, it can definitely get there. Hell with waiting another week. Next week looks just as intense.

    sidenote: Lol at Nick Offerman tearing up during Reagan's speech.



    I lol'ed at Offerman asking Lou to ask Reagan about Joan Crawford's crabs and Lou's matter of fact no.

  5. 5:40 in this video




    america pls no

    Isn't it the second law of thermodynamics that covers entropy, not the first as he says. Still that old canard. And I don't think applying thermodynamic laws to the big bang is quite right either. But religious nutters have never been that strong with facts.

  6. I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a couple of years ago and the symptoms was fatigue, with increased thirst and a lot of peeing. I was also overweight, where I lost about 20 kg in a year without doing anything. It only got discovered (although I would have probably gone gotten it checked out eventually) when I went for an unrelated problem to the doctor and mentioned the other symptoms. Got called back to the hospital the same day. My blood glucose level was something like four times normal. Spent a week in the hospital getting the sugar levels down and a brief stint of insulin injections since they suspected it was type 1, but that pushed my sugar levels too low and got it replaced with pills and now it's pretty much under control. It's apparently somewhat hereditary, so if you have relatives with it, it's possible you might also have it. My uncles and aunts all have it.


    in light of the recent Hersheys child labour kerfuffle, and what other dodgy business they're probably involved in, I'm not sure whether to eat this Hersheys bar I have, or ritualisticly burn it: though burning it will achieve nothing, and I don't exactly want to waste food. The bar has been produced, the harm is done, I'm gonna eat this Hersheys bar sometime today.

    what's wrong with child labour ? many kids that go to high school here really should have gone out to work rather than learning to sit around and unlearn till they turn 18, totally unprepared for the workforce mentally and in a skills sense. And in a country that backward the work you go out and do to help support your 12 other siblings is picking cacao.


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