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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. The television medium has definitely changed these past decade. And viewers have grown to expect quality from their TV instead of the mindless junk that it was for so long. The long form format of a TV show allows much more character growth and more complete world building than a 2 hour movie. It is a golden age for TV shows currently.

  2. I want the new album to sound better than 10k days. No clipping pls. Is all I ask for. This got to be their last album, though. Even if they had some shit happening, they still take a long ass time to write and record a new album. They will tour for two years, then take at least a year off, then they will do stuff with their various sideprojects for a year or two. Then perhaps they start jamming again and a couple of years later they might have a new album. That's like 6-8 years.

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