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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. it might not be exact and the synopsis may indeed be fake but i think the film will be remarkably similar in major plot points, especially if the lovecraft comparison holds. i would be extremely surprised if the major spoiler of that synopsis regarding creation is not true. which is disappointing because i'd rather have a lovecraft movie done well than a sterile science fiction horror film from a guy who hasn't made a decent movie in thirty years.


    There are some beats that will come up in this sort of story, so it's quite possible that the synopsis would also have them. I am on the fence about that twist ending, it's a little bit Planet of the Apes or Twilight Zone-ish. I love Lovecraftian themes and would be happy to see something like that in the movie.

  2. yeah, i think the 'synopsis has been debunked' was honestly damage control misinformation released by the studio itself.




    If it's this one that you are referring to, then it has things that don't add up with the later information and trailers. Such as

    Holloway being a security officer, when it's clear he's also a scientist and has a romantic relationship with Shaw prior to the trip. No mention of the ship ramming the alien ship or David getting his head ripped off. It just doesn't make sense when looking at the later trailers and other confirmed information


  3. Apparently there's been some doubt cast on the spoilers I posted earlier. Who knows. I am glad that I don't get bothered by spoilers as some do.


    the spoilers you listed are only the tip of the iceberg of what was leaked in the long synopsis 6 months ago, which is now more or less confirmed.


    What synopsis, the one that was posted earlier in this thread with some time travel shit?

  4. So apparently some spoilers came out after a person has seen an advanced screening. Is on prometheus news site.




    some interesting bits

    - Peter Weyland is an old guy on the ship, wants immortality

    - Holloway(?) gets infected and impregnates Shaw

    - Engineers tried to replicate a being they worship, but it all went wrong (xeno's? the trailer with the xeno in the wall seem to indicate this)

    - Engineers been on Earth, only one survivor on the planet they visit, flashbacks with engineers

    - Apparently very gory, humans get their asses kicked.



  5. when will the original poster remove the phrase 'no alien prequel' from the title since we now know it's obviously an alien prequel from start to finish


    Happy now you little babby? I still wouldn't call it a traditional prequel. It's related and happens in the same universe, but not a direct prequel to Alien. As far as it looks, they are not on LV-426 for this movie.

  6. That David video was rather creepy but very cool and well done, and actually having Fassbender doing it instead of some generic ad agency hired actor. Like that they went with the aryan look for him to give that extra sinister touch. Also the emphasis on David and artificial life in this viral video probably means it's going to be a big theme in Prometheus and he'll have prominent role in the story.

  7. Like Flahblub, got the production skills, but devoid of all soul. This Binary Universe his most interesting album but even that is rather meh in the end. Have not familiarized myself with his cheese trance. He also looks like a douche.

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