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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. obviously Ridley Scott is going to tie in Bladerunner with Alien-verse in his Prometheus Sequel, David and Decker will meet on space Jockey plant, guaranteed box office success, cgi Harrison Ford


    hannibal lecter makes a cameo as a murderous replicant who eats other replicants. he was being shipped to an ultrareligious prison planet under the supervision of deckard before their ship fell into a wormhole and crashed onto the space jockey planet. when they meet up with shaw, there is tension with david, who thinks hannibal wants to eat him. this occurs through a series of witty scenes as the four survivors wander through the barren alien landscape, looking for the space jockey city. once they reach the city, they find out that the space jockeys want to wipe out humans because they think humans are genetically programmed to be violent killing machines and the jockeys are afraid of humans turning against their creators. after learning this, the humans and replicants go on the run in a dramatic chase scene with plenty of obstacles and close-calls.


    with a bit of bad luck, hannibal gets infected with black goo and turns into a cannibalistic alien-cyborg, becoming the only hope for the humanity's survival as the space jockeys' weakness is the alien lifeform, as seen in prometheus when their only weakness is the alien lifeform. however, david's new found emotions and "soul" (which are revealed in a touching scene in the desert where he has a heart-to-heart with shaw about her faith) make him unable to trust hannibal and he betrays the humans to the jockeys for their own good, acting like a judas figure (or maybe he's just a secret asshole).


    the jockeys transform david into another alien-cyborg and he fights hannibal on the top of the space ship that shaw and deckard have somehow commandeered in order to return to earth. all through out the movie, a romance has bloomed between shaw and deckard and we see the culmination of this as deckard must go outside the space ship to activate the relay that allows them to safely navigate the wormhole back to earth. deckard leaves the ship in an emotional moment with shaw, saying "i'll be back." cut to the outside of the ship, where hannibal has thrown david off the ship and deckard goes to comfort him as he dies where we learn hannibal has learned the true value of friendship through his time with deckard. suddenly, david climbs back to the top of the ship and deckard must fix the relay antenna before it is too late, while dodging attacks from the violent cyborg. as deckard runs away, hannibal uses his last bit of strength to fling himself off the ship with david.


    deckard fixes the relay and goes back into the ship, reuniting with shaw in a display of passion. as they set course for the wormhole, they find out they have a stowaway--the black goo has fused hannibal and david's corpses to make a super-uber-alien. this forces deckard to open the airlock to get rid of the super alien, however he is also pulled out of the ship and only shaw's grasp is holding him onto the ship. she shouts, "i'll never let go!" and deckard says, "i know." he lets go and hits the "close airlock" button conveniently placed near end of the airlock and it saves shaw.


    the movie ends with shaw in stasis and the pod showing that there are two occupants....... it appears her abortion didn't work as well as she thought, setting up the sequel prom3th3us.


    I'd pay good money to see that.


    As long as it's shown in 2D, sepia tone, silent, and with those cards that pop up for the dialogue.


    And with a live piano player for the dramatic musical cues.

  2. The more I read and think about Prometheus, the more the script sucks. Lindelof is a talentless hack and Scott is dumb for going with it. If an extended cut of the movie isn't going to sort out some of the disjointedness, weak characters and plotholes then it must be the numerous re-writes that made it a mess. At some stage in the script development it had the Space Jockey literally being Jesus Christ and him being crucified is why they want to destroy Earth. I mean if even such a dumb idea was even seriously entertained then what the fuck.


    Yeah, I've started to explore some of the recommendations in this thread and so far it's pretty strange how insular this scene seems... like looking at this on discogs, who the f are all these artists? (/rant) Geogaddi notwithstanding (lol), it would appear that fans of this stuff are oblivious to material by FSOL, the Orb, global communication, etc. that many a watmmer would characterize as good ambient. Seems wierd but I'll approach it with an open mind nonetheless.


    Heh, I am familiar with every artist and most of the albums on that list. But yeah, it seems that people who dig this sort of music rarely veer out of their familiar milieu, they stay to the same labels and artist. Many of those albums on that page share artists, Posford and Raja Ram (Shpongle) are involved with quite a few of them.

  4. I never enjoyed suomisaundi and I thought all those that did were all too much into who could be the weirdest and most fucked up on the parties, that became more important than the music and dancing. Suomisaundi is weird for weirdness sake, not so much because the music needed it. At least that's how I felt. Squaremeat and Haltya were alright, but Texas Faggot was poo.

  5. Everything Shpongle and Ott has put out are worth checking out for sure. Although my favourites of both are their debut albums. Ott's remixes of Hallucinogen is also essential. Then the stuff on Ultimae Records is probably also worth checking out. Carbon Based Lifeforms have a couple of nice albums, World of Sleepers and Twentythree, the latter more of an ambient affair. Not much of ethnic woman wailing stuff there. Solar Fields' Movement is nice too and his other material is also worth checking out, some of it is more of a proggy trancey sort of thing. Solar Fields also made the soundtrack to Mirror's Edge, so if you played it you have heard his stuff. Bluetech has a couple of pretty nice albums as well, Sines and Singularities is a stand out for me. It's pretty IDMish at times as well.


    Come to think of it, the albums and artists that I mentioned aren't really "psybient", whatever that is, but just good electronic albums. Maybe Entheogenic is more "typical" where the goa/psytrance influences are more apparent.

  6. yup i think it was written by some guy who wrote the lost show didnt watch any of that tho . thought the prometheus thing was like ridley scotts ideas + he just got some dude to write it for him or something but might be wrong . whoever came up with half that shit was pretty stoooopid tho


    The first draft was written by the same guy that wrote that dumb movie about some invisible aliens killing Americans in Moscow, The Darkest Hour.




    And then there are a few things that I couldn't really figure out what was happening;


    1) I swear they went to LV-233 or something rather than LV-426? So this doesn't set up Alien. Also in Alien the space jockey is in the pilots seat with a chestburster, but the space jockey guy left the ship at the end and was killed in Vickers's pod. This is an interesting gap to leave in the story because it implies something else has been written to bridge it.


    2) The alien at the end. I mean, what is going on? The black oil infects the guy, who spunks it into his girlfriend, who aborts an octopus alien thing, which grows into a huge vagina with small vaginas all around it, which shoves a big cock down the space jockey's throat, which puts a chestburster in him, which then produces a sort of almost Alien alien. I just don't really get how each time a new type of creature is coming out, why is it an Alien alien at the end?


    3) What was their plan? to send a bunch of that black oil to earth and have a load of huge tentacle vagina aliens grow in humans and the explode out and shove cocks down human's throats and make Alien aliens come out?

    Or whatever happened to Fifield and the other guy that made their head all puffy and sent them crazy? What happened to Fifield anyway, his helmet melted onto his face and then he turns up with a bloated head and he's all violent?





    Regarding the 3 points in your spoiler



    1. I am pretty sure that Prometheus was never meant to set up Alien, Lindelof explains this in the interview that was posted here and his thought about prequels. And I doubt it will ever be explicitly explained, it's left up to the imagination of the viewer. Since there were other space ships on LV223 it's quite possible the proto-alien finds itself to another ship and somehow infects another Engineer who knowingly or unknowingly flies away, chestburster comes out and crashes on LV426. Or Engineers captures the proto-alien, creates from it the xenomorph that well all know and love and is on a mission to infect some other planet with their new bioweapon but gets infected and crashes on LV426.


    2. I think the proto-alien at the end is just fan-service and to keep the sperglords from foaming at the mouth if there would not have been a Alienish looking creature in the whole film. How exactly that goo works is anyone's guess. My complete guess it's somehow works as a mutagen and radically alters and uses all the different genetic material it has come in contact with over it's lifetime (something like "the Thing") and each iteration of its lifecycle is slightly different than the other. Or like the FEV (Forced Evolution Virus) in the Fallout games.


    3. Again, it wasn't explained and is anyone's guess why Fifield got all looney. Maybe being infected makes you insane and violent, perhaps even the Engineer in the end was infected by David and therefor insane and killing everyone. Although in the beginning the Sacrifical Engineer drank the liquid and disintergrated and became the seed of life. It's all a mess and raises more questions than it answers in true LOST/Lindelof fashion. Some like it and some don't. I for one isn't too bothered by ambiguity, but if you are going to leave it so, at least make the things you show at least consistent and internally logical. Otherwise it's just shit and lazy writing.




  8. i want to know two things:


    is it quite talky (like, tech sci-fi star trek bollocks and plot explaining)?


    is there any genuinely funny banter shit (robo-fassbender being roboty doesn't count)?


    Didn't feel it was too talky, although it was sort of a slow burn in the first two acts before all goes crazy. Not much technobabble. There was some blatant exposition, one scene that was pretty out of nowhere and I'm not sure if that aspect could have been picked up by the audience without it.

    Some of the banter got some chuckles and Fassbender had a funny quip or two. Nothing close to what Aliens had if you are asking that. There was also smoking inside a space helmet, no pipe though. So if there is a writer of Prometheus on WATMM, fess up now and explain yourself!

  9. As for the Engineer in the end

    flipping out and killing everyone without seemingly any reason, since it's unknown what David said to it, it could be that, or as was explained they wanted to kill humans for some reason that will either be explored in a possible sequel or an extended scene somewhere. Maybe David said he was his "grandchild" and in the Engineers eyes he was an abomination, his creations shouldn't themselves create new forms of life. Who knows.



    Yes, if the engineers really wanted to destroy humanity, how come the engineer didn't take one of the other ships to earth to do so, instead of going out of his way to kill one woman, in the most ridicilous manner? And why did she have a squid baby? And why did the squid made from two human beings and magic DNA goo + engineer fusion become a xenomorph? to please fans? well fuck me. The movie was just filled with nonsenical shit like this. Good job on spoiling the end of the movie in the trailers though, good job.




    Why did she have a squid baby? Because that's just the way it is after having sexy time with an infected person? The story had far bigger problems than not explaining the intricacies of alien/human hybrid genetics. Only a sperglord would get hung up on details like that.


  10. The worst part of Prometheus being an inevitably and inexorably shitty movie is that Scott was given hundreds of millions of dollars to make it. Meanwhile, the director out there capable of making the modern equivalent of Alen is sucking dick at a bus station or cannibalizing the faces of our homeless.


    Go away already you sorry old fucks. That includes Spielberg, Scorcese, Scott, and a few other Surnames.




    I am sorry things aren't going that well for you that you need to suck dicks. Hope everything works out for you.


    Just came back from watching the movie and it was a pretty standard sci-fi fair without anything groundbreaking. It's trying to be all profound by asking these deep questions, but in the end it never explores them any deeper before it goes into standard run away from monster sort of trope and set ups a rather superficial reason to make a sequel. Some story elements are rather irrelevant or could have been handled better like mentioned.


    Weyland being secretly on the ship was silly and the reveal did nothing, him being Vickers dad, big deal, no point. Why hire Guy Pearce and make him look like an old guy, instead of you know, get a real old guy to play the part. We've only seen the young Weyland in a viral video that the majority of the move going audience hasn't probably seen.This makes me believe that some parts have been cut such as scenes with a younger Weyland and his daughter Vickers, that could perhaps mirror the relationship between Shaw and her father?

    . The creature design was uninspired.


    The tentacle monster in the end, meh, was it trying to be a callback to some Lovecraftian horror that the original Alien got its inspiration from? The Engineer design was pretty lame too, but I can let their humanoid appearance slide since they were supposed to be our makers.


    Some characters were written stupidily

    Fifield was the guy with his "puppies" to survey the place and is the one who gets lost, with the biologist who just bails like that after finding a dead extra-terrestrial for the first time, I don't buy that


    Yeah, the story was lacking at places, but it's still not a "bad" movie. Probably one of the better blockbuster sci-fi flicks (not that there have been many worth noting) lately. It looked and sounded great, but I also found the music non-descript and bland. The 3D wasn't gimmicky and was there to add depth and sense of scale which it pulled off well. The third act was pretty packed and it looked like Scott needed to cram too much into the film. I hope there will be an extended cut that improves it much more. The ending I find at one level amusing

    Shaw and a talking head on an alien ship going towards the Engineers homeworld, sounds like it could be a funny odd-couple type sitcom following their adventures across space

    . Props to Fassbender, he played the android well. The other actors did well with what was given. Rapace pulled off a good Ripley-version, actingwise it didn't really bother me. It's the story and pacing that is the biggest problem with it. As mentioned it feels like a lot of material was left on the cutting floor and I hope that an extended version will pull it all together, much like the extended cut of Kingdom of Heaven was much improved over the theatrical cut.

    As for the Engineer in the end

    flipping out and killing everyone without seemingly any reason, since it's unknown what David said to it, it could be that, or as was explained they wanted to kill humans for some reason that will either be explored in a possible sequel or an extended scene somewhere. Maybe David said he was his "grandchild" and in the Engineers eyes he was an abomination, his creations shouldn't themselves create new forms of life. Who knows.


  11. I never understood why some guys are so insecure about their hair and go for painful a hairtransplant operation that will undoubtedly look like shit anyways. It's not like having a bald head is anything weird today.

  12. i pay 1395 a month for rent, and if it's late, i owe 1510. but for some reason, i got a bill (well before rent is due), for 1510. it's stupid that i'm stressing about this. I mailed a check out today and it should arrive by the 1st of the month. i shouldn't stress about this, right?


    Who still uses cheques and mail them in the 21st century??!

  13. Christians and Tool fans have a lot in common, most of them suck at being fans of what they love.


    That reminds me...


    I remember as a teenager, raised as a Christian (as some oldskool watmmers such as yourself may remember), I had a sort of morbid curiosity towards Tool. Christians hate them, but something made me wanna listen to them. I guess the sort of idea of wanting to do what you're not supposed to do.


    At first they freaked me out a little but it didn't take long to get into them cos the first full album I listened to in full was Lateralus.


    But I got into them again last year, and I realised... there is very little Anti-Christian in Aenima, Lateralus and 10,000 days. It seems weird that Aenima was this big "no-no"...


    Tool has been more anti-religion than explicitly anti-Christian. I think the main gripe from Christians has more to do with Tool's use of occult imagery and ideas. Or then it's just; kids like it and it's rock music, therefor bad.


    It's interesting that Lateralus doesn't have any profanity in it, I think fuck is used once in Ticks & Leeches. On the whole Lateralus is quite a positive album compared to the angry and cynical Aenima.

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