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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. I would not mind if this next one would be their last. But I somehow doubt it. But who knows. Maybe Maynard calls it quits but the rest of the guys continue on together as some other band. It's pretty much Adam, Justin and Danny doing the music and Maynard drops in once that is done, writes up some lyrics and records the vocals. Or maybe I am wrong in what kind of creative input MJK has on the music.

    I am interesting in hearing the fusion stuff that Danny has recorded with Volto!, which should have something coming out soon.

  2. I thought that 10k days was much more tongue in cheek (I think that the band has been pretty tongue in cheek their whole career and it's only the fanboys that took them too seriously) than previous albums (except for the Wings for Marie tracks). And I don't won't them to return to those angry Undertow and Aenima days, it's embarrassing to hear millionaires in their 40s whining about dumb shit. And I do think that Barresi is also producing the new album, but I agree that Bottril was much more in tune with their sound, but apparently they wanted to go a different way, more towards a stoner-rockish sound. While 10k Days wasn't up to par with the two previous album it wasn't a bad album, they still have good chops, so whatever they come out with will be a quality album. It's hard to top Lateralus and Aenima.

  3. It's a toss up between Aenima and Lateralus. Perhaps the slight edge going to Lateralus as it's more polished and slick. But on the other hand Aenima has some real gems, such as the Aenema, Forty-six & 2, Eulogy, Hooker with a Penis, Third Eye. Honorable mention to the live version of Pushit on Salival, what epicness.

  4. what would you like to wager?


    Not money as I am not made of it. Some sort of avatar bet with bragging rights? I dunno. Why do you think that BoC will come out with a new album before Tool? There hasn't been anything even resembling a timeline of when a new BoC album might come out. But we know that Tool is planning to start recording in June/July and how long it should take.

  5. Well, hopefully it will be sometime in the fall or end of year. Record it over the summer June/July, mix and master for another month and manufacture it another month. 10,000 days had Justin on the forefront and it seems like he might also be on this new one. Don't mind it, he's a badass bass player.

  6. someone keeps putting food on my fridge shelf and i'm not completely sure if i should eat it. i don't know if it's charity donation or making use of the spare space there. i might have posted this before. the mystery of it is bothering me. i was last to bed, and looked at my fridge shelf before going. housemate's girlfriend was first up and had a cheeky look on her face as she exited the kitchen... and there was an unopened pack of sliced roast beef on my shelf. so that's my current theory of what's going on. also, they're the only ones who aren't boycotting Tescos.


    edit: and it's tesco finest roast beef slices


    They probably think you need to eat some more.

  7. What do you think about this--


    George RR Martin:


    “…social changes over the last 50 years have made the future something that we no longer want to go visit the way we did when I was a kid. Back in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s when science fiction was perhaps as popular as it has ever been, we really had a lot of belief in the future. I mean, we couldn’t wait to get to the future. The future was going to be much better than anything in the present. We were going to have robots and flying cars and all of these labor saving devices and we were going to take our holidays on the moon and space stations and we were going to go to the stars. When they took polls, everybody gave the answer, ‘yes, yes, my kids are going to have a better life than I do and my grandkids are going to have an even better life than they do and we’re going to go into space and we’re going to go to the stars…



    …people take polls now and most people think that their children are not going to have better lives than they do; they think that their children are going to have worse lives. They’re worried about things like ecological problems, global warming, the growing instability of the world with nuclear proliferation, more and more nations having the bomb…. We had the Cold War when I was growing up, we could duck and cover and stuff like that but there was still in some ways more optimism about what the future was like. So I think this is part of the stuff that has affected science fiction. People no longer believe on some level that the future is going to be a good place and they prefer to read about other times and other places that are maybe not so scary as science fiction.”



    The man has a point, although dystopian science fiction isn't exactly something that only recently have come up. But there is indeed a general pessimism and lack of belief in the future being better. It's quite an interesting phenomenon, where did this disenchantment of the future come from even if we get introduced to more and more technological advancements that could have been barely thought of 50 years ago. Is it the lack of jet packs, flying cars and vacations to the moon that has toned down our optimism for the future or is it part of a larger problem, such as the current economic system showing its flaws and unsustainability in more apparently than it perhaps used to. I do like to read SF about post-scarcity and anarchistic societies like Banks Culture novels and dream of a future where that would be possible.

  8. funny-gifs-bend-it-like-be-oof.gif


    Hahaha I remember hearing about the lads in slums in dublin doing this.


    They'd get a concrete ball and paint it like a football, then they'd roll it down the road and get some dope to kick it back to them


    Pretty genius actually.


    That looks more like the kid hits the ground instead of the ball, than a concrete ball. And that Dublin thing sounds like you could break your damn leg.

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