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Everything posted by IOS

  1. Just heard this, incredible track. Thank you watmm people for mentioning it :)
  2. Done cod & chips, onto some lychee.
  3. IOS

    I need a DJ name

    DJ Taxidermist & MC Giraffe
  4. IOS

    I need a DJ name

    haha!! DJ Spoiler DJ Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercunt!
  5. IOS

    I need a DJ name

    StephenG: Nice one, wasn't aware of the 'slave' meaning, danke. DJ Paedocephalus
  6. IOS

    I need a DJ name

    "Paedo-" = child DJ Child DJ IOS Is An Etymology Twit
  7. IOS

    I need a DJ name

    DJ "Like Share Follow & Subscribe"
  8. IOS

    I need a DJ name

    DJ F & MC uckYouIWontDoWhatYouTellMe
  9. No one cared who I was till I put on the mask

    1. chartnok
    2. IOS


      Skibby: I am Jack's raging bile duct.


      Chartnok, I wasn't talking to you, I don't even know you.



    3. IOS


      I am the Arm! And I sound like this:

  10. I recommend The Kernel brewery IPAs etc. Quite pricey (anything from £4.50 to £7.00) but well worth it. http://www.thekernelbrewery.com/
  11. 16 Goshin No Kata + 17 Tanto Randori No Kata + 10 Kaeshi Waza + Hiji Mochi + (Randori * x) = 1st Dan

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. triachus


      "Gets the type of land management Geochin Randori No 17 16 + 10 France grazing (randori is * x) = 6."

    3. triachus


      i warned you

    4. IOS


      XD Triachus toptransleltor

  12. "Say eight oh muthafuckin eight" http://youtu.be/MUFe1ZTSbnE?t=1m37s
  13. The naming thing has been hilarious - every time it was like "oh, here's another naming request, they'll get pissed off man, bwahaha lol with the response" Can you rename Earth? PLS Also, do I really see an 'S' in Etchogon-S on the vector scope?
  14. So, Lars von Trier approaches you and asks you to redo some existing tracks (I'm thinking Five Obstructions here). What in your opinion would be the five rules that'd make you go "Aw for fuck's sake man!"? :D Actually let's say, one of the obstructions is to (re)do a track on a player piano only. Maybe two - one normal player piano and one prepared. Liking all the Ae music and thanking you once again for this opportunity, max respect.
  15. OMG!! That allegro con delicatessen and shit line was epic. XD XD Well, what isn't in this 90-page-long thread.. Hello B&B, thank you so much for making such an effort the last few days with all the awesome replies. And thank you awfully for all the music.
  16. This contemporary jazz ensemble from Brussels called Octurn sounds pretty phenomenal. Dare I say that I noticed some Autechre influences, especially in two of their pieces, namely 'Roots' and 'calcutta' (visit their page for these, http://www.octurn.com). I could be wrong though.. Not much of their work seems to be 'available' on YT. This piece called 'Place Des Etoiles' will definitely be appreciated by BoC fans
  17. XD I don't see anything wrong with him. When compared to Art Bears' Freedom, he's quite mild! :) Asiko! AsiKO!
  18. This one? Jack Monroe Blog http://agirlcalledjack.com/ Guardian Article http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2013/jul/20/10-pound-a-week-recipes
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