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cruising for burgers

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cruising for burgers

  1. why would you assume it's a he? that sounds quite misogynist for 2k23...
  2. I'm fed up with pizza don't know what happened, something like when u trow up because you drink too much of a specific drink and then u can't even bare the stench of it... anyway:
  3. that bar at 0.30s with the piano break... just start counting 4 crotchets from 2 bars before or something and then try and keep counting 4 crotchets on that break... been listening to this since yesterday and it still makes my brain borken... if it ain't crotchets it's quavers... this explains it better: @bar 16 https://musescore.com/jay_sharp/scores/57435
  4. major crush on her since Brooklyn 99 s01, look at those magnificent teeth
  5. that's pc right? there's and app for android, YouTube Revanced, no more adds and u can close the browser window and the video/music won't stop... maintenance... they'll charge for that, and then u can also go to the black market get shitty used implants that fry your brain...
  6. keep your shit on an external SD card? or is your phone an iPhone or a recent fancy one that doesn't come with an SD card port? I think I've seen something like that recently on a movie or something?
  7. how come Woody never won an oscar was he ever nominated at least? he's a such a great actor don't u agree watmm? seems like a nice dude to hang around with as well...
  8. there's a new show by one of the Safdie brothers together with that Nathan what's his face... looks promising... https://m.imdb.com/title/tt13623608/
  9. I went to the gym today and walked/ran 30 minutes on a treadmill... anyway, didn't know that nothing compares to u was written by Prince... both of these came way before Sinéad O'Connor's cover and they're stunning, notice the dissonant chords... it's almost microtonal....
  10. some of them have too much hdr? I don't know I'm just picky with hdr, some pics look too bright/shinny? everything is illuminated... I guess I like shorter dynamic ranges... I'm old...
  11. if anyone find this one somewhere drop me a line pls Mdou Moctar - Akounak Tedalat Taha Tazoughai yeah it's a purple rain rip off...
  12. it happens everytime I quit... vivid af dreams, don't really enjoy it... can't rest like that... if I go to bed after work I'll just keep working in my dreams and it's tiresome...
  13. I wish I could take mine outside... immediately after he got inside that bag I picked the bag with him inside but as soon as I opened my door's house he managed to tear up the fabric and make an Houdini escape...
  14. from a friend of mine... OPHIUSA BREWING
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