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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. I like Dune even though I acknowledge it's a bad film. Sting is brilliant in it.
  2. my phone alarm stopped working randomly last week (well only did the vibrate ring) so i set up my old iPhone instead. now it has miraculously started working again, giving me 4 alarms every morning. stupid computers!!!
  3. if you want to get behind low budget independant films then check out Shane Carruth ATOP. the man is a genius. mumblecore is for idiots.
  4. i was astonished by how bad it was. i literally couldn't watch it for more that 10 mins.
  5. just tricked my secret Santa into telling me what gift to get them for Xmas, a packet of red wagon wheels. if they are being ironic, tough tits.
  6. I'm confused by "assless underwear". Does he mean a thong or assless chaps? Wowzers are these yours?
  7. If it makes you feel any better my eye hurts too. I flicked my hair in it after a shower. Ouch.
  8. oh come on it's not that bad. it's pretty bad but not that bad. actually, maybe it is. but it's not as bad as funny ha ha
  9. can't decide which cool things to go to over the next few weeks. lynch all nighter looks good but might fall asleep.
  10. 8/10 Blue is the Warmest Colour (AKA The Girl with the Blue Hair) Adele's life is changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire, to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others, Adele grows, seeks herself, loses herself, finds herself. There were lots of things i got wrong about this film, for example i read that the director was 23 years old but he clearly isn't maybe it was the actress? there were lots of strong performances in this film and i loved the realism. it seems impossible to encapsulate and entire relationship within the space of one film but it worked really well. you really got a sense of time and space and although there was quite a lot of sex it didn't seem gratuitous. it didn't seems 3 hrs long at all and i was engaged for the duration of the film. also it reminded me of a joke i wronte a while ago...
  11. hahaha! it was blemish tool actually, i was a bit red. god damn this is the reddest one of the entire set! why did i pick it? jeeezus everyone's got blemishes and noone cares. post it in b&w if it's such a big deal. what's your opinion on air-brushing in the media? i think it should be kept to the minimum, i think using filters etc is pretty much necessary. softening stuff is optional. tbh i don't buy those kind of magazines. i take photos of pretty much everything and it's common to take a group and then pick the best ones. i prefer taking them of other people. why don't you take the hard drive and turn it into an external? it's pretty easy to do and you can save all your files. thanks, i went to the computer repair shop, and they could back-up all of my files, 9GB worth of files result!!! i did mine myself by removing the hard drive and putting it in a special thing (technical term guys) with a double USB. very handy. for future reference http://www.wikihow.com/Recover-Data-from-the-Hard-Drive-of-a-Dead-Laptop
  12. why don't you take the hard drive and turn it into an external? it's pretty easy to do and you can save all your files.
  13. ah i have this and a load of other crime thrillers from Akira, i should really watch them all in some kind of marathon session.
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