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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. i used to enjoy this game when i was the appropriate age for it. i hated trivial pursuit though, once again because i was too stupid to win it.
  2. ergh that user interface looks like a complete nightmare, i had the same issue with Adobe Premiere Pro. try youtube for user guides. i also get this red thing sometimes but haven't had it for a really long time, only thing i'm doing different is cutting out dairy so maybe try that? i'm pretty sure it's hormonal and dairy contains cow hormones which stimulates the same hormones in the human body. you might find this same thing is causing acne and other related skin complaints (to do with things getting blocked)
  3. Lol! I once got annoyed In a game of chess and flicked away all the pieces. It's my own fault though as I tend to be quite impulsive and take a lot of risks.
  4. Ah fuck yeah they do the compound bullshit. Always fucks me right up that. And they learn words that begin with x, y, z etc and all the top scorers. Oh yeah and the double/triple letter/word score squares. Dang it! I'm quite good at mah jong though. does that count?
  5. I only really play scrabble with my mates but I always lose as I can't spell and am generally illiterate. And the irony is, I have a degree in English literature
  6. http://youtu.be/F3UKy-5bqko not very original i know, but it made me lol
  7. i think i saw you on the tube the other day. Really? Where?Or was it someone who looked like that picture? i was making a funny about the picture. it didn't come off :( but i do think that i'm bound to run into one of you lot on there at some point.... i'm on the northern line a lot. Haha! I hardly travel on the underground to be honest. If you ever see a woman in a parka on a bike shouting at taxis that could be me. :D
  8. i think i saw you on the tube the other day. Really? Where? Or was it someone who looked like that picture?
  9. Two Hands 8/10 i've seen this a few times before but not put it on here. an unusual film from Australia with early roles from Heath Ledger and Rose Byrne. there's some interesting plot turns and a weird juxtaposition of comedy and casual violence. a clear influence on or forerunner to Animal Kingdom.
  10. Ahhh I'm sure the Apple Store can fix it. Keep trying reformat.
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