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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. now attach a sled and hang on for dear life
  2. thank you gocab, this is truly magnificent. *meditates, achieves enlightenment*
  3. can someone post the still version please? i wish to meditate upon it.
  4. Meloncholia 6/10 Visually stunning but lacked substance. Didn't really connect with any of the characters and nothing made any sense.
  5. I wonder if they keep going to the other side of the bed and lifting the sheet up so the cat can turn around and do his thing the other way around. Seems like the go. Hours of entertainment.
  6. That's exactly what I dont want. I want it to be... 100% personal :p (well, except for the server, of course) I guess http://www.sharptoothrex.com/ is your page hosted. Yeah, I'm looking something like that. Thanks, gonna check it out. create the code in wordpress, move to tumblr. hey presto.
  7. yeah, i wish they made life in 3D, wouldn't that be amazing. Lol at your Dune fix BTW. very funny. maybe a little bit true.
  8. gravity 8/10 i'm gonna start by saying that george was rubbish in this. it reminded me of his performance in a recent commercial i saw him in, very poor. does he really have any interesting in acting anymore or just pushing coffee? i really don't know. sandra was brilliant though and the CGI was beautiful. 3D is a bit crap though.
  9. i still have lots of holiday to use up before the end of the year, but my boss keeps avoiding my attempts to discuss it with him.
  10. Finally got around to putting up my Xmas decoration. It's a chain of blue lights with silver snow flakes. Wow! Much Christmas. So Blue!
  11. not watmm secret santa? right? No at work. Is there a WATMM secret Santa?
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