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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. i can almost hear him noot noot like a pingu
  2. Burning Man 8/10 starring the delectable Devon born Matthew Goode, this film has a very interesting plot twist and some very strong performances.
  3. i really enjoyed the stories about mud dives and vomit rockets, do you have any more amusing anecdotes you'd care to share with us?
  4. It reeks of Xmas cheer, and no doubt soon will reek of mulled wine and mince pies. Huzzah!
  5. on my imaginary phone, yeah sand in my eyes, no crying are you sure no crying coz in this next one it really looks like you are.
  6. it kinda looks like Sean's let one rip so loud that he's blown both Rob's eardrums.
  7. what are the last 3 books you read? what is your all time favorite book? any plans for an Autechre biography? have you both ever had a fight? who won?
  8. i noticed you missed my question about Beamz. here's a helpful video to introduce you to the gear. your thoughts. http://youtu.be/8w-Sfa5HzK0
  9. You've opened a porthole to another dimension. Best untype the whole thing backwards.
  10. what do you think of Flo Rida's Beamz? would you ever consider incorporating them into your live show?
  11. if you could have been alive in any other time in history, which would you pick and why?
  12. i'm missing a friend's event to go to see Machindrum on Friday. he'd better be good.
  13. It depends on how good his Obel's photoshopping skills are. If he makes the brown the wrong shade it could be misconstrued as scat. oh my fucking lol perhaps with sean in the background laughing, and a speech bubble saying "I WIN"
  14. nice article find Rubin. i really can't imagine what this is going to be like, it will surely be a very surreal sci-fi and hopefully Michel's style will work with rather than against it. i've always thought of his work as being quite surreal and whimsical and i'm not sure how this will work with what's been described as a "deeply unsettling existential horror story". only one way to find out i guess. i see they mention Vincenzo Natali's Neuromancer. lol! he will not make this film. i'm afraid to say that if Prometheus is anything to go by BR2 will be disappointing.
  15. it's a lolly, i think they messed up the speed while making the gif.
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