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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. ooh nice lol this video is clearly ceephax influenced
  2. You don't get this in the UK. Must be just you crazy yanks.
  3. don't bother making plans with him anymore, no one needs frenemies.
  4. Lol! Michael Jackson's ghost? MJGhostSun.bmp
  5. http://youtu.be/rSXFoFvCEho It's a Rach attack!!!
  6. Gas the zombie apocalypse started? Edit: has
  7. edit: ah crap i should really check the rest of the thread before i post. sorry hello spiral.
  8. well they're not bad, could be worse (see Bieber/Skrillex comments)
  9. aw look at the cat and the frog. kyewt.
  10. lel what a bitch. i bought an expensive apple and carrot juice from the market. i don't much care for it as it tastes soil like. i'm not chucking it though as that's a waste. *sips juice, grimaces*
  11. don't mind me, i'm just bitter because i'm old.
  12. Ha I just read some if the rest of this thread, it's pretty funny. You're going to have to change your interests Keith, it still says thirtysomething which is clearly inaccurate. Good luck banging foetus face. PS I'm joking about the foetus thing.
  13. Lol! It's a good natured jab, would it really be so bad if she loves skrillex? There are worse things in life surely. Mwahahaha! PS I'm sorry to hear that xxx, hang in there.
  14. Ah genki desu ka? Achike baku kusu atama! PS sorry to hear about your breathing troubles. have you tried alternative health?
  15. i have to say, i prefer their last album.
  16. thinly veiled post to boast about going on a date with a much younger woman. i hope she announces that she's massively into Skrillex.
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