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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Maple pecan Danish (it is Wednesday after all).
  2. Couldn't get out of bed this morning as I was so tired. I'm now heading in late. Fuck you society! If my boss asks me why I'm late I'm tempted to say "because it's Wednesday!".
  3. ah ok, i usually upload as MP4. i'll give it a go. cheers!
  4. ooooh i love these both!!! how did you get youtube to post without compression Jonathan? they always mess my videos up.
  6. i second this! we should have some kind of online ceremony etc yeah?
  7. https://soundcloud.com/dave-monolith/dimflux
  8. Ha, I only found out about the Bechdel test this weekend. Unfortunately the girl who mentioned it, who seemed interesting at first, turned out to be a bit of a reactionary idiot. HA! well don't let that put you off. but as this film proves the test is flawed. interestingly though it helped me realise why i'm so keen on certain directors.
  9. hahahaha! how is that even possible? someone unlistened to it?
  10. what film was that? Variety, please see the last film watched thread for full details.
  11. Variety 4/10 Written by Kathy Acker, this lost gem of downtown post-punk cinema is both a time capsule from an energetic moment in American independent filmmaking and a simmering portrait of a young woman losing her grip on reality. Christine is adrift, trying to pay the rent, when barmaid and best friend Nan suggests a gig working in the box office of the Variety, a porn cinema. Initially unphased by the job, curiosity soon gets the better of her and Christine is drawn into the world of her patrons, and grows increasing fascinated by a shadowy customer, with a fervour that spills into obsession. although this film passes the Bechdel test it is so far from feminist cinema that i would call it an anti-feminist film. the lead character is promising until she gets a job at a porno theatre and is apparently so impressionable she quickly becomes obsessed with porn and descends into some pretty psychotic behaviour. all the women in the film are downtrodden and weak despite being young and attractive. they sit around talking about their low standards about men and seem to have no ambition beyond attaining a man. my favourite part of the movie was the cinematography and some really nice lens flares. seriously if the best thing about your movie is some nice lens flare, you really have a problem.
  12. shit sorry to hear that... was your appendix causing you trouble? get better soon... edit: stupid question. of course it was causing you trouble... I've heard appendicitis is pretty painful =( I also wish you a swift recovery.
  13. Just got home from a terrible film, brown toast and mushroom pate.
  14. yeah totally, he had a way of creating such deep psychological tension far more than even Hitchcock could. he literally pisses all over modern drama.
  15. a cat bathing it's hoomin copycat
  16. Autumn Sonata 7.5/10 After having neglected her children for many years, world famous pianist Charlotte visits her daughter Eva in her home. To her surprise she finds her other daughter, Helena, there as well. Helena is mentally disabled, and Eva has taken Helena out of the institution where their mother had placed her. The tension between Charlotte and Eva only builds up slowly, until a nightly conversation releases all the things they have wanted to tell each other. Another brilliantly written, acted and directed Bergman (did this guy ever make a bad film?) with a family drama at it's center. A must for Bergman fans. Burn After Reading 8/10 A disk containing the memoirs of a CIA agent ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous gym employees who attempt to sell it. A wacky Coen caper with a swiftly escalating plot line and over the top characters. One of their worst but still entertaining.
  17. carrot and apple juice and green olives with garlic from Borough market.
  18. bastard at the market gave me a moldy nectarine, should have checked them all before i left. also someones let their dog shit right in front of my yard. sorry to hear about your dog messiaen.
  19. wow sprillian, so beautiful you made steve buscemi cry ( i wrote that to go with the gif). i love the way your cat is saying "mai hoomin" with it's face.
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