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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Silver Linings Playbook 7/10 i didn't enjoy this film as much as i hoped i would, mainly because i felt the main character lacked pathos and i'm not a fan of bradley cooper. i really liked jennifer lawrence and bobby de niro in their roles, and this for me was the highlight of the film. the dancing thing was a bit cheese also.
  2. wholemeal pitta bread and Moroccan humus.
  3. very cool, when i look at it though i'm reminded of this.
  4. Right, so Harrison Ford has broken his silence on the matter... http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=38990&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=101113+newsletter
  5. Standing at the bar in cafe oto, listening to a woman making sounds into the mic like a drunk/sexually aroused gremlin. Missed the main act. I paid money to see this.
  6. Omg the bit with the swings. Cry-laughing here.
  7. A wrap made from left over Vietnamese plum sauce tofu and bok choi.
  8. Did you push him into that puddle of glowing spoodge behind him? Please say you did.
  9. I don't care if I am. I do post too much though.
  10. i missed the smiths tribute night. now i'll have to wait another... 3 months?
  11. this film gave me a Fassbender i didn't want to shag and aliens i kinda did. obviously it was confusing for me...
  12. oh no they should not remake the shining, clockwork orange maybe (it's a little dated now) but not the shining. can you elaborate on "strong sex feelings"?
  13. pure spanish valencia orange juice... with juicy bits.
  14. this is either going to be really good, or really bad. there is no in between any more. don't disappoint me Ridley!
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