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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. You don't have to be rich to wear this shit, hell you could make half of it yourself.
  2. Lady grey tea and toast with wholegrain peanut butter
  3. Sorry to hear you're ill Sprill. I originally gave up smoking as it made me ill/I was constantly ill. You'll find your immune system is stronger when you smoke less. Get well soon dollface. X
  4. Watched The Master again. Seriously this film gets better and better with every viewing. Most definitely a modern classic. So beautifully shot, so tightly written and so well acted. 10/10
  5. Bikes and cars don't play well together... I'm guessing you're okay now, and weren't posting to the watmms from within an A&E department. Either way, hope you're feeling better (and your bike didn't get totalled) I'm better thanks for your concern and the bike is ok. My only comfort at the time was that I was living a Smiths lyric.
  6. I just want to say that nothing will ever beat BMC (or 2WV) drunk on the way home pictures. Nothing.
  7. I rode into the back of a car on my bike last night. I really smacked it hard and banged my lady bits on the cross bar. Pain.
  8. Orange and passionfruit flavoured fizzy water.
  9. just found out i have mice. they ripped up a sleeping bag and made it into some kind of mouse toilet. A TOILET!!! it's all cleaned and chucked out now. need a cat.
  10. multiseed toast with fig and orange jam (TBH it's more like a jam marmalade fusion) and lemon green tea
  11. Are you really going to turn that down? Cut your hours FFS. Or if it's unpaid interning it doesn't count towards your working hours (especially if you don't tell them). Well, i havent even been offered the internship. I just heard about it and it said online you're expected to work 12-16 hour days. They basically make you their bitch, and I'd be okay with that to a degree it's just physically impossible for me to do that and school at the same time. can't you do it during the holidays? wtf do they expect people to do?
  12. oh yeah!!! i'm gonna have to pick some up next time i'm there.
  13. you should send those kind of invitiations in a PM rather than on the forum really. plus you forgot the question mark.
  14. ha! that's adorable. my banana was half bruised this morning so i couldn't eat it. did you know in the carribean they don't bother selling bananas because they grow everywhere on the trees? no one would buy them.
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