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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Signs Mel Gibson/10 hahahahahahahahahahahaha...eh?....what????? OMG why did i watch that?
  2. Idiot at work has some if those geek glasses with nonprescription lenses. FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST YOU'RE 33 YEARS OLD!!!
  3. I think details would be interesting, but I know fuck all about filmmaking. Pls only go good kind of insane, though. it's just the way things work, people say yes to a project then disappear with you hard drive and rushes. other people drop out from other commitments...
  4. i don't want to bore you with the details, but i'm struggling to get my film finished and it's kind of driving me insane.
  5. veggie bolognese with wholemeal fusilli pink grapefruit juice
  6. this is a joke right? http://www.the-shoe-horn.com/entertainment/michael-bay-penned-to-direct-stunning-blade-runner-remake/
  7. yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. There is dialogue in the film about Hal going insane due to having two conflicting directives which are to complete the mission yet protect the crew. I don't know if this is the case in the book but it's quite clearly stated in the film. However as you said it's open to interpretation. In my opinion HAL is sentient hence his fear of death.
  9. no. 2001 is all about the very subtle build up of suspense in the battle of wits between a man and a machine in the face of unspeakable danger. i think this is lost on many people as these days films are much too overwrought and in your face with messages and meaning etc. the visuals and the editing is just the icing on the cake, if that's really all you are taking away you're not paying attention. Says she who only talks about the next to last episode, the battle between man and machine, as if nothing else happened in the film. If it's all about the battle, why did Kubrick bother to add a few hours before and the brilliant episode after it? The man looking at and becoming his own future, the floating fetus, all just icing on the cake? Man vs. machine has been done before. It really depends what point you think Hal goes insane at. The monolith is a machine too you muppet.
  10. no. 2001 is all about the very subtle build up of suspense in the battle of wits between a man and a machine in the face of unspeakable danger. i think this is lost on many people as these days films are much too overwrought and in your face with messages and meaning etc. the visuals and the editing is just the icing on the cake, if that's really all you are taking away you're not paying attention.
  11. why is it such a bad thing for Deckard to be a replicant? the whole point of this film is that the "robots" are more real than the people. i'll tell you another thing, in the original version the Tyrell that Batty meets is also a replicant. did you know that?
  12. the first rule of film making is, never argue with the director.
  13. More human than human, makes sense to me. How else does he have the memory implant of the unicorn? Muppet.
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