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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. My needle finally arrived and I successfully fixed my turntable. Nevers donw it before and did a pretty good job I think.
  2. Very cool, but if you're not careful your going to knock that lovely beer off the table. It's a bit close to the edge.
  3. Tried watching Riding in cars with Boys last night but had to turn it off as it was so awful. 3/10 What happened to Penny Marshall?
  4. Whoa you can suck your own arse? Sprillian's one lucky gal!
  5. Sorry to heat that SG, just don't forget to tell him that you love him and give him a big hug goodbye. You'll regret it later if you don't.
  6. Hey delet... man! Didn't know you were into Hospital Records.
  7. ooh nice work Peon, a tiny bit overexposed but you can fix that in photoshop. great composition and use of reflections.
  8. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  9. Quorn IS a burger because it a patty, mushrooms ARE'NT a burger because they are a mushroom. If you put a rock in a burger bun, does that make it a rock burger? Does it???? Is not one on board with me about this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!
  10. Ah! An electric kitten dispenser. I've always wanted one of those.
  11. I hate to get all anal on y'all but... "A hamburger (also called a hamburger sandwich, burger or hamburg) is a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat (beef, pork, turkey, chicken, etc.) usually placed inside a sliced hamburger bun. Hamburgers are often served with lettuce, bacon, tomato, onion, pickles, cheese and condiments such as mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and relish.[1] The term "burger", can also be applied to the meat patty on its own, especially in the UK where the term "patty" is rarely used. The term may be prefixed with the type of meat as in "turkey burger"."
  12. Worst ever cover up excuse for shitting your pants on public transport hello spiral. Come on, we've all done it!
  13. A mushroom in a bun does not a burger make!!! Otherwise anything in a bun would be a burger.
  14. Nandos do one. I nearly threw it at them in disgust shouting "this isn't a burger!!!"
  15. HA! Ergh! Yeah hello spiral would that be a burger? A booger burger?
  16. i apologize madame, i had to laugh Don't apologise, I also find it hilarious that he's taken in by this ruse pushed on us by "gourmet" burger restaurants. Hahaha! (it's not a burger)
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