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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Frances Ha 7/10 Another film about a quirky 20 something female who can't get her shit together until suddenly she does. Wow great! I would have liked this film a lot better if I the main character wasn't so cringe, it was still enjoyable though despite that. I just wish they could make a film with a cool female character who's kinda quirky but not quite so annoying. I could have a feminist rant about this but I really can't be arsed. It's basically the American version of Happy Go Lucky.
  2. *hears a knock on the door, goes to answer it* *opens the door to find two large trees with police badges, they arrest and drag away screaming*
  3. I killed that tree by repotting it, it pined for the outdoors and gave up on life..
  4. As a woman I can confirm that this is in fact...
  5. haha, I can confirm that this is such a good feeling Yeah!!! *high fives baph*
  6. Councils coming to woodchip my front garden at the behest of the landlord. They're going to destroy my trees (unless I hide them).
  7. Veggie sausage sandwich with Warburton seeded batch, Linda McCartney sausages and lashings of Heinz tomato sauce. Luuuuuuush.
  8. The new McDonalds burger? thumb food Can you clarify please?
  9. I've managed to make my ex think I've changed my number. Hopefully I will never hear from him again.
  10. Just had teriaki salmon and rice from Wasabi. Nice.
  11. Don't fret, you can still play Bullshit Bingo: http://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards/bullshit/ Wow none of these came up, can you believe it?
  12. *Leads MadameChaos to surprise birthday party* *Opens garage door* *Shoots her in back of head* Edit: *makes joshuatx clear up the mess and then forces fellatio at gun point* Wow Keith, I'm definately not inviting you out for coffee now. *Turns around to reveal hole in the back of head with brain spilling out* *makes jazz hands*
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