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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by NorthernFusion

  1. Frequency for the PS2, even features some MBM... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4RSp0dvOD8 I miss this game, I used to play the shit out of it.. They're re-releasing Frequency in HD for PS4 soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkozk1JlNl0 Also, Minecraft is available on PS4 for a discounted price if you have a save file for the PS3 version. Tree fiddy.
  2. Fez (ish). Not audio based per say, but the soundtrack's great and vital to your enjoyment imho tbh. or limbo, don't really know what "audio based puzzle game" means. I thought of Sound Shapes, but that's a platformer.
  3. Fez (ish). Not audio based per say, but the soundtrack's great and vital to your enjoyment imho tbh. or limbo, don't really know what "audio based puzzle game" means. anything Q Entertainnent did, try Lumines first. Or The Swapper, great puzzler and a great soundtrack, just not audio based, I guess.
  4. Fez (ish). Not audio based per say, but the soundtrack's great and vital to your enjoyment imho tbh.
  5. Eh, I'd buy the first variant, better screen and all that jazz. Eh, I can live with the LCD screen really, especially if the battery life is better. Knowing Sony, they'll do a redesign that's slimmer AND with an OLED screen next year so I've probably jumped the gun. Didn't mean to be snark, was just saying innit. I doubt Sony will come out with another model for the Vita, and if they do, it will probably be with a smaller screen. ala GB SP, if you can imagine that. why you make me jealous
  6. which one is jedi knight? theres some star wars games made by the team that did Mass Effect that are awesome. Old games but they were great. forget what they were called tho Knights of the Old Republic. Jedi Outcast was the shit back then. Still is, lightsaber wise.
  7. Eh, I'd buy the first variant, better screen and all that jazz.
  8. The Vita lineup is decent because of cross buy. PS3 lineup is horrific though.
  9. I've just bought Last of Us Remastered and Diablo III Ultimate Edition, add me yo.
  10. on PS4? Dark Souls is easily one of the best games I've ever played. It's a pity the sequel wasn't nearly as consistent, or as interesting.
  11. Awesome. I'll wait until I buy one again then. More Xenoblade is only good news.
  12. so the new models are upgrades, or? the snes tribute looks sweet.
  13. But WATMM approves, so it's all good Team WATMM Drive Club, anyone? Representing the IDMz on the virtual highway, fresh Syro sounds pounding from the car stereo... No Destiny task force? Enforcing one planet at a time to approve Syro.
  14. Just ordered a PS4 with Destiny, Driveclub, FIFA, Metro and CoD: Ghosts. My girlfriend is going to kill me. Also, Ornstein and Smough were brutal, I somehow managed them alone, I still don't understand how I managed it.
  15. I've started playing Gran Turismo 6 ten months after buying it. Still the daddy of racing simulators.
  16. [youtubehd]UqYtu-iEi9E[/youtubehd] lol random educational fun watmm history fact: guy who uploaded this vid (RichieBees) joined watmm a while ago and got banned relatively quickly rip
  17. it gets better. some people are enjoying the fakes ='( pls no Why is it an issue if he/she likes a fake? Not picking a fight, just wondering.
  18. Whoa, you were pretty quick, chim. You should be an on the scene reporter for watmm/chatmm.
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