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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by NorthernFusion

  1. DMC 3 is still fucking nails though. Hatoful Boyfriend for £3.50? Sean pls.
  2. Traded mine in after I couldn't even access the Tour events due to "maintenance". I was hoping to be playing Lords of the Fallen and Freedom Wars tonight, but Amazon have decided that one day delivery doesn't mean one day delivery if you have a trial with Prime.
  3. Ordered this too, mainly because a fuck up at Payroll means I haven't been paid this month, so I need vent my anger out with something. Looks like the perfect game before Bloodborne hits. Also ordered Freedom Wars for the Vita. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. I'll probably pick this up since there won't be a DS2 GOTY edition anytime soon.
  5. yeah ditto. played the shit out of the originals. so it's tough to say if you'll necessarily like the new ones but they are definitely rock solid games I think :) speaking of Mario games, ... when's Mario Maker coming out ... looking forward to spending time with that, playing custom levels (provided it's easy to find the good ones..) It saddens me that it's going to be full price, should've clearly been priced as a budget digital title.
  6. No idea, but I've always used them for PSN and never had a problem.
  7. Still on my PS3 waiting to be played like 100s of others. Psychonauts on PS3? Say what?! Also, good shout on Portal 2. Fucking loved that game, definitely need to replay it at some point. It's on the US PSN store, don't think it's available on the UK store, though. My official account is with the UK store, and I have a dummy account for the US store. It's only $5, so if you're desperate, go for it, you can also cash in on the much better sales. That's awesome. I've got US and Jap PSN accounts but never got around to setting up the billing info. I just used 'em back in the day to get all the exclusive demos that us Brits never had, and still probably don't have haha Thanks man! Man, play-asia is your friend here, I used to use Amazon US for US PSN codes, but my card gets blocked now when I attempt it since it's considered irregular. http://www.play-asia.com/codes.html All you need to do is confirm your email, otherwise you can just pay via PayPal (no fake billing info required, you can pay with a UK card), and redeem the code on one of the accounts (depending on which you bought).
  8. Still on my PS3 waiting to be played like 100s of others. Dracula X can be played on PS3 or PSP... Ah, in the US, but not in the UK, since it's on sale just now there.
  9. Still on my PS3 waiting to be played like 100s of others. Psychonauts on PS3? Say what?! Also, good shout on Portal 2. Fucking loved that game, definitely need to replay it at some point. It's on the US PSN store, don't think it's available on the UK store, though. My official account is with the UK store, and I have a dummy account for the US store. It's only $5, so if you're desperate, go for it, you can also cash in on the much better sales.
  10. I bought Portal 2 in the US sale, still an amazing game. Also picked up a bunch of Castlevania games from the current UK sale, pity Dracula X isn't playable on anything but PSP. Still on my PS3 waiting to be played like 100s of others.
  11. Add me. <3 (For Driveclub) You sound like the easy-to-impress gamer who buys AAA games at launch. It's a new console, everyone's like that.
  12. Gametrailers gave Driveclub an 8.6, one of the only opinions I need tbh. That and Edge. IGN are too chicken shit to give a high profile game they don't like a bad score. Gamespot just hate every game they play.
  13. I'll keep it short. Incredible, and mature.* *Review written by a neck beard fully clothed in rented accommodation.
  14. This is completely different from his other stuff, and that's fine by me.
  15. Still playing Destiny, still loving it. Level 26 Warlock. Thx.
  16. Destiny's a great game, regardless of shortcomings. I, for one, am loving the grind behind levelling beyond 20, drops are addictive, and you always feel like you're doing something even if you don't see it on your screen like you did for levels 1-20. I've had 3 legendary drops, every one of them turned out to be a rare item (which is terrible considering the drop), but I keep playing, because I want that exotic/legendary drop for reals. The story may be flat, but it's classic Bungie as far as gameplay is concerned, the Crucible was a little unbalanced at first, but once you've properly learned the ropes of the game (i.e. getting to level 20), then it's a blast.
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