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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by kakapo

  1. Zaphod and plum disappear for 6 months and then both turn up on the same day. This has reinforced the paranoid fear that watmm is just six people who have gone to great lengths to create a frankly ludicrous genre of music and set up a forum dedicated to it in an attempt to brainwash me into assassinating a prominent politician who will probably appear to me as joyrex. That and the fact limpyloo has obviously been designed by committee.
  2. I don't mind people having a whinge, but this thread is definitely about wandering around supermarket car parks in your pyjamas smelling of sexual desperation and Rogaine, punctured with moments of lucidity and melancholic lost love. And leather arse towels*. Rather than the typical anxiety/depression/panic attack thread, of which there are plenty. I was sitting at work today wondering what it would feel like to rub my bum with a window cleaner's shammy. Thanks watmm.
  3. *directs jules to my no return ebay policy on second hand goods*
  4. all saints eh... wouldn't be cheap. i don't think i like leather jackets in general but i'm sure you look sexy as fuck in it and the ladies will smell that leather and instantly cream their pants as you walk by. and leather trousers are exponentially more mid-life-crisisy anyway. i'd avoid making the ensemble. I'm not usually a fan of all saints stuff, overpriced Chinese tat for the most part. Plus I'm 10 years too old and 10lbs too fat. Looks like that one has sold out in any case. I was looking longingly at the belstaff leather trousers and knee length biker boots, but then I had a vision of the Beckhams in matching leathers. Felt a bit sick.
  5. What have you people done to my thread? I'm not unhappy. This was not a thread about unhappiness or death. Yes, I was an angst ridden teenager.
  6. 'Marriage' had better win an award this year.
  7. It's not great on the hairline, works better on the crown. Just slick it back, maybe a small ponytail, a Top Gun aviator jacket and some raybans.
  8. wander again and see if dogging is something that might cure your ails... I was telling him how fast time seems to go now that I'm older. A year is like a month to my 10 year old self. He said that when he turned 40, it was like 60 was waiting for him the next morning. Life is apparently like Wonka's boat ride. Life seems to have an event horizon, and it's 33. That absurdist cliche of finding you are free, but free in a prison, as you accelerate and stretch towards a singularity. Excellent thread. I was originally hoping to beat the 'marriage' threads 8 popcorn .gifs in a row, but it's gone off at a tangent. Actually, I don't feel despairing, more coming at this crisis from Luke's angle, a moment of clarity.
  9. Bloody hell, it's Mimi. Kids were part of the deal with rich bitch. They're very much off the menu. I'm not to be trusted with responsibility for the time being.
  10. My default demeanour is one of extended adolescence, this is something else. I get this. I was told "right person, wrong time", and to an extent that was true rather than being an attempt to protect feelings. Under those circumstances it can be the only positive response.
  11. Tom Cruise in Top Gun begs to differ. Reported.
  12. I just want to outlive joyrex.
  13. I also currently have haemorrhoids. Life imitating Art.
  14. I'm 33 and having a premature midlife crisis. I turned down rich bitch. She invited me to the family estate for Christmas and I said no. I cut off contact from the other one, the only woman I've ever loved, the one whose friend I assaulted. I've maintained the no contact rule for four months and intend to maintain it in perpetuity. As for Lady k, she could be dead for all I know. The rogaine has worked, surprisingly, and I have a full head of hair again. The cycling has even paid off and I'm losing the pounds. Decent job, my own office, money in the bank. Thinking about a leather jacket. Am I too old for a leather jacket? I don't mean a dad's one like M&S Blue Harbour or something, I mean like a cool one. I'm thinking of trying online dating. Can anyone recommend a suitable site for London? Guardian? Is the whole thing as horrendous as it appears? Went shopping in Camberwell the other day. Lilac chinos are packed away for the summer but wore my pyjama top again. Got confused post migraine and ended up wandering around Morrison's car park. This thread will be my depository for my midlife crisis. You're going to help me through it watmm.
  15. I met my doppleganger today. Female doppleganger. Not sexy.
  16. I've just had a bout of norovirus (thanks Brixton academy you shithole), and though now recovered, every pre pump sphincter tingling is accompanied by the fear of a wet fart.
  17. You sound like a delightful person. Fuck off before I mouthfuck you with a toilet duck.
  18. I know it says no haters, but everybody's cat looks like a right smug prick. Apart from Ludd's. He got what was coming to him and had his smirk swiped right off his face.
  19. I love the Shadows version, no shame! My grandfather built Hank a guitar before he formed the shadows. He was also a guitar teacher, plausible he gave him some lessons too.
  20. Memory from Cats is one of my favourite songs, but I'm reluctant to blast it out if there's even the remotest chance that someone I know will hear.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfTSWUTfsio
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