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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by hoggy

  1. DJ a aa ab ba bb aaa aab abb bbb bba baa bab aba aac acc ccc cca caa cac aca bbc bcc ccb cbb cbc bcb abc cab bca acb bac cba
  2. Just finished 'The Longest Journey' Very good - some weak acting here and there and a couple of areas could have been fleshed out more convincingly, also the rendering is out of date but that's totally forgivable - they did a great job with what was available at the time I think, and some of the settings are quite beautifully done But overall I loved it, some wicked concepts and lots of colourful interesting characters. Gonna play 'Dreamfall' next as they were bundled together on Steam (it was recommended to me by someone on WATMM btw) It's a point and click puzzle adventure, if you're interested
  4. loved that one too Man Up - 10/10 (it's a rom com, but just about a perfect one)
  5. Haha! I forgot to mention that part. Definitely hit the mark with me.
  6. thx Rubin will check them out Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension - 10/10 I'm definitely not an expert on horror films, I just love watching them at the cinema Glad I chose against that one then - is Skyfall worth the time?
  7. Mysterious Skin - 10/10 Had to think about this one, it's hard to make a clear opinion about it because it's so unbelievably graphic and descriptive of the rape of children and teenage boys. I think ultimately though what makes it work is it's directness and carefully observed character stuff - the kid who believes he was abducted by aliens was incredibly well played.
  8. Oh I meant special effects, but yeah the sounds were cheesy too, or bland at least
  9. The Last Witch Hunter - 0/10 Kind of a pity because I think Vin Diesels D+D interest is something cool about him. This film has literally no personality. I kind of enjoyed the way they visualised some of the magic but that's about it, most of the SFX were just cheesy
  10. it was a joke about the sandwich (maybe I should have put a or something)
  11. Is that a Behringer sub?
  12. let me rephrase then: I fucking loved it and got a lot of meaning and emotion from it
  13. Very well - it has a slightly different vibe - the story weaves more and has less of an emphasis on just one moment in time, but rather a broader flow of things as you'd expect from a series. Very very good, I recommend watching it. You laugh, you'll cry, you'll hide behind your hands... And who wouldn't want to see more of Smell?!
  14. just finished s1 of this is england, so beautiful, love Smell
  15. Just finished the Comeback second series which was brilliant, now watching the Leftovers second series which I'm so happy is back! You guys should watch the Leftovers if you haven't yet
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