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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by hoggy

  1. damn i missed it by 4 months
  2. [youtubehd]TwoS1EcTvKI[/youtubehd] now this
  3. [youtubehd]eRO_YPGN9-E[/youtubehd] now I'm listening to this
  4. fuck yeah ramones [youtubehd]7lmGdKs7e4Y[/youtubehd] \m/ \m/ the sound quality is fucking awful on youtube so I posted the 8-bit instead. was listening to the real one though this is pretty cool
  5. Thanks modey It's basically a stuffed crust but made into rolls you know the Pizza Hut slogan "every inch counts" thx eugene + delet is "oK-;-]" one of those sideways pictures?
  6. all the amazing museums and galleries is one of my favourite things about london
  7. Your score was 23 out of a possible 50. Scores in the 0 - 25 range indicate little or no Autistic traits. What do you know, I'm less autistic than I was a few years ago. Is that possible?
  8. DJ Serving Suggestion DJ Man
  9. Wow you got skillz to make digs at music makers in a film review I kind of see your point about the film with the bit in bold though - wonder is definately important in films and i think it's been lost a bit in a lot of films at the moment. I did still love the film though, but i enjoy all kinds of crap
  10. Avengers: Age of Ultron [3D] - I don't know because I was over tired and kept nodding off, will have to watch it again... seemed good though
  11. actually no, I take that back because lord of the rings and transformers suck
  12. you don't have to expect high art when you watch a film about robots and wizards and stuff
  13. Watching at the cinema in a couple of days with my girlfriend who has never seen it before. Blade Runner is slow as fuck and it's so easy to simply stop it, so I thought it would be a good idea to watch it at the cinema I like how slowly it starts - it gives you time to relax and settle into the world
  14. The plot and the characters are bullshit MrE, it's still a wicked film Actually, the characters are cool now I think about it
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